.. _deploy_remove: ****************************************** Install and Remove FindFace Multi Mobile ****************************************** .. rubric:: In this chapter: .. contents:: :local: .. note:: Request the installer file for your Android or iOS device from an NtechLab representative. Install Application on Android ========================================== To install FindFace Multi mobile application on your Android device, get the ``ffmulti-*.apk`` file from an NtechLab representative. The actual file name may vary, depending on the product version, e.g, ``ffmulti--24-02-0700.apk``. Follow these steps: * Locate the ``ffmulti-*.apk`` file in the file explorer of your Android device and tap to initiate the installation. * You will see a warning on your phone screen that you must give permission to install the file. There will be an option to proceed to :kbd:`Settings` or :kbd:`Cancel`. * Tap :kbd:`Settings`. Then toggle on :kbd:`Allow from this source`. * The system will display a danger warning on installing applications from unknown sources. Tap to confirm that you are aware of the possible risks. * Tap a back arrow to return to the installation. Then, tap :kbd:`Install` to initiate the installation process. The system will prompt you to give the application permission to access photos, media, and files on your device. You may either :kbd:`Allow` or :kbd:`Deny` it and return to this setting later if needed. Open the application right after the installation. Alternatively, locate an application icon |app_icon| on the phone screen. Tap it to access the application. .. |app_icon| image:: /_static/app_icon.png :scale: 50% Install Application on iOS ========================================== To install FindFace Multi mobile application on your iOS device, follow these steps: * Manually install the application from the ``manifest.plist`` file that you have got from an NtechLab representative. * Add NTECH.LAB to the trusted enterprise developers: * Tap :kbd:`Settings` > :kbd:`General` > :kbd:`Profiles` or :kbd:`Profiles & Device Management`. Under the :kbd:`Enterprise App` heading, you will see a developer profile. * Tap NTECH.LAB under :kbd:`Enterprise App` to establish trust for the developer. * Confirm your choice. Open the application right after the installation. Alternatively, locate an application icon |app_icon| on the phone screen. Tap it to access the application. .. note:: When establishing trust, an Internet connection is required to verify the application developer's certificate. Remove Application ============================== FindFace Multi mobile application removal is a standard Android / iOS application uninstall procedure.