.. _settings: Application Settings ************************************************************ For security reasons, application settings are protected by the 4-character PIN code. |pin_en| .. |pin_en| image:: /_static/pin_en.png :scale: 60% .. |pin_ru| image:: /_static/pin_ru.png :scale: 60% The default PIN code is ``1234``, which can further be changed by the FindFace Multi administrator in the ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file. You may configure the following settings: * Change the interface language of the application (English/Russian) * Enable or disable the work in the background for battery saving Apart from that, the screen provides the system information: * Server address (specified during :ref:`authorization `) * Application version * Client ID |settings_en| .. |settings_en| image:: /_static/settings_en.png :scale: 60% .. |settings_ru| image:: /_static/settings_ru.png :scale: 60% Sending application system logs to the server is disabled by default. You may enable it: #. Add the following strings to the ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file: .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py FFSECURITY = { ... 'MOBILE_LOGS': True, ... } FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG = { "settings": { "sendLog": True }, ... } #. Restart the ``findface-multi-findface-multi-legacy-1`` container. .. code:: sudo docker container restart findface-multi-findface-multi-legacy-1 After you have applied changes, the ``Send log`` parameter becomes enabled in the application. |send_logs_en| .. |send_logs_en| image:: /_static/send_logs_en.png :scale: 60% .. |send_logs_ru| image:: /_static/send_logs_ru.png :scale: 60% Logs are saved on the server between 0:00 and 6:00 (mind your device time settings) and can be viewed at ``/opt/findface-multi/data/findface-multi-legacy/uploads/mobile-logs/``.