.. _getting_started: Authorization ************************************************************ In order to authorize in the mobile application, the user should provide the following credentials: * Login * Password * Server address By default, the app doesn't trust self-signed SSL certificates. If the FindFace Multi server uses such a certificate, check :guilabel:`Self-signed SSL certs` and restart the app before logging in. |started_en| .. |started_en| image:: /_static/started_en.jpg :scale: 50% .. |started_ru| image:: /_static/started_ru.jpg :scale: 50% Once you are authorized, the app automatically opens the :ref:`Events` tab. In order to log out, use the :guilabel:`Logout` option in the application menu. |logout_en| .. |logout_en| image:: /_static/logout_en.jpg :scale: 50% .. |logout_ru| image:: /_static/logout_ru.jpg :scale: 50% You will return to the authorization screen.