.. _logs: View The Logs ************************************************************ This section is about the :guilabel:`Logs` tab. The :guilabel:`Logs` tab provides comprehensive logs on all actions in the app, updated in real-time, including: * Timestamp of the action * Source of the action * Description of the action |logs_en| .. |logs_en| image:: /_static/logs_en.jpg :scale: 50% .. |logs_ru| image:: /_static/logs_ru.jpg :scale: 50% If you need to find a specific action, use the |searchicon| on top of the tab. Type the description of the event in the field, and the logs list will be automatically narrowed to your request. .. |searchicon| image:: /_static/searchicon.png |logs_search_en| .. |logs_search_en| image:: /_static/logs_search_en.jpg :scale: 50% .. |logs_search_ru| image:: /_static/logs_search_ru.jpg :scale: 50% The logs can be exported in CSV format for further examination using the |export| icon on top of the tab. The log file will be saved in the root folder of the built-in storage of your mobile device. .. |export| image:: /_static/export.png |logs_export_en| .. |logs_export_en| image:: /_static/logs_export_en.jpg :scale: 50% .. |logs_export_ru| image:: /_static/logs_export_ru.jpg :scale: 50%