.. _getting_started: Getting Started ======================================================== Once you have successfully :ref:`installed ` FindFace Multi Mobile, it's time to open the application, and get started. In this chapter, you can find a recommended sequence of steps that will help you harness your system's base functionality. .. rubric:: In this chapter: .. contents:: :local: Gear Up for Work ----------------------- Perform the primary configuration of your system: #. :ref:`Log into ` your system. #. Choose the language in the application :ref:`Settings `. .. _navigation_menu: App's Main Navigation Menu -------------------------------- Tap the drawer icon |icon_drawer| in the app bar or swipe a finger from the left edge of the screen to appear a navigation menu. .. |icon_drawer| image:: /_static/icon_drawer.png :scale: 70% The navigation menu contains the following items: * |icon_record_index| Record index * |icon_events| Events * |icon_search| Search * |icon_settings| Settings * |icon_logs| Logs * |icon_logout| Logout .. |icon_record_index| image:: /_static/icon_record_index.png :scale: 70% .. |icon_events| image:: /_static/icon_events.png :scale: 70% .. |icon_search| image:: /_static/icon_search.png :scale: 70% .. |icon_settings| image:: /_static/icon_settings.png :scale: 80% .. |icon_logs| image:: /_static/icon_logs.png :scale: 70% .. |icon_logout| image:: /_static/icon_logout.png :scale: 70% |menu_en| .. |menu_en| image:: /_static/menu_en.png :scale: 20% .. |menu_ru| image:: /_static/menu_ru.png :scale: 20% Main Features -------------------------- #. :ref:`Record index ` is supported. Create records of individuals and vehicles, or use those created in the FindFace Multi web interface. #. Be always aware of new :ref:`Events ` of your video analytics software. #. :ref:`Search ` for individuals and vehicles through the records or through the face/bodies and vehicle events. #. View :ref:`logs ` of the system.