.. _distributed-dossiers: Distributed Dossier Database ====================================================== In a distributed architecture, it is often necessary to have the dossier database distributed among several hosts. In the current implementation, the dossier database is available for editing only on the principal server known as ``master``. It is in sync with several additional FindFace Multi instances that serve as ``slaves``. On the slaves, the dossier database is available only for reading and monitoring. .. important:: You will be able to delete dossiers on the slaves if the master is unavailable. .. important:: If a watch list on the future slave already contains dossiers, synchronization will be canceled. Make sure that the watch list is empty. .. warning:: Neural networks on the master and slaves must be identical. .. rubric:: In this section: .. contents:: :local: Configure Master/Slave Synchronization ----------------------------------------------- To configure master/slave synchronization, do the following: #. On the master, open the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. Come up with a synchronization token and specify it in the ``SYNC_TOKEN`` parameter (be sure to uncomment it prior). .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py ... # ========== DossierLists sync =========== ... # token must be identical on master and slave # use pwgen -s 64 1 SYNC_TOKEN = 'ABC_123456789' ... #. On the slave(s), uncomment the ``SYNC_TOKEN`` parameter in the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file and paste the created synchronization token into it. The tokens on the master and slaves must be identical. The master/slave sync is now set and will be enabled once you configure a watch list replication from the master to slave(s). Replicate Watch List from Master to Slaves ------------------------------------------------------- To replicate a watch list from the master to slave instances, send a POST request to the slave with the following parameters in the body: * ``remote_dossier_list``: id of the original watch list on the master * ``remote_url``: master URL * ``slave_dossier_list``: id of the watch list on the slave, which is to be a replica of the original watch list .. code:: POST /sync/dossier-lists/ {remote_dossier_list: 1, remote_url: "", slave_dossier_list: 3} Set Synchronization Time ------------------------------- To schedule dossier synchronization, do the following: #. Open the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file on the master. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py #. Uncomment and set the following parameters: * ``SYNC_SCHEDULE``: recurrence rule (RRULE) that defines the sync schedule. .. tip:: See the RRULE calculator `here `_. * ``SYNC_AT_STARTUP``: if ``True``, synchronization occurs on the FindFace Multi startup and restart. * ``SYNC_AT_CREATION``: if ``True``, synchronization immediately occurs after you set up synchronization for a watch list. .. code:: ... # ========== DossierLists sync =========== ... # rrule that defines sync schedule SYNC_SCHEDULE = 'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=MO;BYHOUR=11;BYMINUTE=0' # if True synchronization will occur on FindFace Security startup and restart SYNC_AT_STARTUP = True # if True synchronization will occur immediately after creating synchronization for dossier list SYNC_AT_CREATION = True #. Uncomment the mentioned above parameters on each slave. The parameter values can be arbitrary. Cancel Watch List Replication and Synchronization ----------------------------------------------------- To cancel a watch list replication and synchronization, send the following API request to the slave with the ``{id}`` of the watch list on the slave: .. code:: DELETE /sync/dossier-lists/{id}/ Duplicate Functionality to Web Interface ---------------------------------------------- By default, you can enable and disable watch list replication only via API. To make the functionality available in the web interface as well, do the following: #. Open the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file on the master. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py #. Enable the ``ffsecurity_sync`` plugin by uncommenting the line ``INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_sync')`` into the plugins section: .. code:: ... # ========== DossierLists sync =========== INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_sync') ... #. Do the same on each slave. #. On each host, migrate the main database architecture from FindFace Multi to :program:`PostgreSQL`. Re-create user groups in the main database. Restart the ``findface-security`` service. .. code:: sudo findface-security migrate sudo findface-security create_groups sudo systemctl restart findface-security.service