.. _video-worker-installer: Additional ``findface-video-worker`` deployment on remote hosts ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. important:: Before deploying ``findface-video-worker`` instances on remote hosts, do the following: #. Allow accessing the ``findface-ntls`` license server from any IP address. To do so, open the ``/etc/findface-ntls.cfg`` configuration file on the server with ``findface-ntls`` and set ``listen =``. Restart the ``findface-ntls`` service. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-ntls.cfg ## Address to accept incoming client connections (IP:PORT) ## type:string env:CFG_LISTEN longopt:--listen listen = .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-ntls.service #. Allow accessing the ``findface-video-manager`` service from any IP address. To do so, open the ``/etc/findface-video-manager.conf`` configuration file on the server with ``findface-video-manager`` and set ``listen:`` and ``rpc:listen:``. Restart the ``findface-video-manager`` service. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-video-manager.conf listen: ... rpc: listen: .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-video-manager.service #. On the FindFace Multi server, open the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file and make sure that the ``ROUTER_URL`` parameter contains the external IP address of the FindFace Multi server and not the localhost. The ``findface-video-worker`` instances on the remote hosts will be using this address for posting objects. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py ... 'ROUTER_URL': '', ... To install only a ``findface-video-worker`` service, do the following: .. tip:: Before deployment, be sure to consult the :ref:`system requirements `. .. tip:: If you have several video cards on your server, see :ref:`video-cards` before deploying ``findface-video-worker-gpu``. #. Download the installer file ``findface-multi-1.1-and-server-5.1.run``. #. Put the ``.run`` file into some directory on the designated host (for example, ``/home/username``). #. From this directory, make the ``.run`` file executable. .. code:: chmod +x findface-multi-1.1-and-server-5.1.run #. Execute the ``.run`` file. .. code:: sudo ./findface-multi-1.1-and-server-5.1.run The installer will ask you a few questions and perform several automated checks to ensure that the host meets the system requirements. Fill out the prompts appropriately once requested. The questions and answers are the following: #. Product to install: FindFace Video Worker. #. Type of ``findface-video-worker`` package: CPU or GPU. #. IP address of the ``findface-security`` host. After that, the installation process will automatically begin. .. note:: The answers will be saved to a file ``/tmp/.json``. You can edit this file and use it to install FindFace Multi on other hosts without having to answer the questions again. .. note:: If you chose to install ``findface-ntls`` and/or ``findface-video-manager`` on different hosts than that with ``findface-security``, specify their IP addresses in the ``/etc/findface-video-worker-cpu.ini`` (``/etc/findface-video-worker-gpu.ini``) configuration file after the installation. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-video-worker-cpu.ini sudo vi /etc/findface-video-worker-gpu.ini In the ``ntls-addr`` parameter, specify the ``findface-ntls`` host IP address. .. code:: ntls-addr= In the ``mgr-static`` parameter, specify the ``findface-video-manager`` host IP address, which provides ``findface-video-worker`` with settings and the video stream list. .. code:: mgr-static= .. tip:: To automatically install ``findface-video-worker`` on another host without answering the installation questions, use the ``/tmp/.json`` file. Execute: .. code:: sudo ./findface-multi-1.1-and-server-5.1.run -f /tmp/.json You can find an example of the installation file in :ref:`installation-file`. .. important:: To preserve the FindFace Multi compatibility with the installation environment, we highly recommend you to disable the Ubuntu automatic update. In this case, you will be able to update your OS manually, fully controlling which packages to update. To disable the Ubuntu automatic update, execute the following commands: .. code:: sudo apt-get remove unattended-upgrades sudo systemctl stop apt-daily.timer sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.timer sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload .. important:: The FindFace Multi services log a large amount of data, which can eventually lead to disc overload. To prevent this from happening, we advise you to disable ``rsyslog`` due to its suboptimal log rotation scheme and use the appropriately configured ``systemd-journal`` service instead. See :ref:`logs` for the step-by-step instructions.