.. _search-objects: **************************************************** Search Objects in Databases **************************************************** FindFace Multi allows you to search for objects in the following databases: * Database of detected objects: the :guilabel:`Events` tab. * Card index: the :guilabel:`Cards` tab. To find an object in a database, do the following: #. Navigate to the :guilabel:`Search` tab. |search_en| .. |search_en| image:: /_static/search_en.png :scale: 50% .. |search_ru| image:: /_static/search_ru.png :scale: 50% #. Select the object type you are searching for: :guilabel:`Faces`, :guilabel:`Bodies`, :guilabel:`Cars`. #. Specify the database to search in: :guilabel:`In events`, :guilabel:`In cards`. #. Specify the exact object to search for in one of the following ways: * By event ID. * By card ID. Should the card contain multiple photos, select some of them to use in the search. * By uploading a photo. It will be displayed in the :guilabel:`Photo` area. If there are multiple objects in the image, select the one of your interest. #. Specify the maximum number of search results. #. If you are searching in events, you can narrow down your search by specifying a camera, camera group, and time period of your interest. #. Click :guilabel:`Search`. You will see the search results appear below. For each object found, the matching confidence level is provided. |search_results_en| .. |search_results_en| image:: /_static/search_results_en.png :scale: 50% .. |search_results_ru| image:: /_static/search_results_ru.png :scale: 50%