Role and User Management

In this chapter:

Predefined Roles

FindFace Multi provides the following predefined roles:

  • Administrator is granted full access to the FindFace Multi functionality, integrative and administrative tools.


    Whatever the role, the first administrator (Super Administrator) cannot be deprived of its rights.

  • Operator is granted full access to the FindFace Multi functionality.

  • User is granted rights to modify their profile and work with events and episodes. The other functions are available read-only.

You can change the predefined roles privileges, as well as create various custom roles.

Create Custom Role in UI

To create a custom role in the web interface, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Roles.

  2. Click + Add new role.


  3. On the Information tab, specify the role name. Save the role.


  4. After saving the role, you will see the following tabs appear next to the Information tab:


    • Watch Lists: role privileges for specific watch lists

    • Camera Groups: role privileges for specific camera groups

    • Permissions: role privileges for entire system functions and entities

    Set role privileges, subject to your needs. Note that there is a distinction between role privileges for a specific watch list/camera group and a system entity with the name watchlist/cameragroup. For example, if you set Off for a certain camera group on the Camera Groups tab, users with this role won’t be able to work with this very group of cameras. Unchecking all checkboxes for the cameragroup entity on the Permissions tab will prevent users from viewing and working with all camera groups.

    The full list of the FindFace Multi entities which are used in the current version is as follows:

    You can also enable and disable rights for the following functionality:

    • batchupload_cards: bulk record upload

    • change_runtimesetting: changing the FindFace Multi general settings

    • view_auditlog: viewing and working with the audit logs.

    • configure_ntls: configuration of the findface-ntls license server

    • view_runtimesetting: viewing the FindFace Multi general settings

  5. Save the changes.

Primary and Additional User Privileges

You assign privileges to a user by using roles:

  • Primary role: main user role, mandatory for assignment. You can assign only one primary role to a user.

  • Role: additional user role, optional for assignment. You can assign several roles to one user. The rights associated with the additional roles will be added to the primary privileges.

All users belonging to a particular primary role automatically get access to camera groups (and video archives within the group) and watch lists (and records in the watch list) created by a user with the same primary role, subject to the privileges defined by their additional role(s).

Create User Account Manually

To create a user account manually, do the following:

  1. Navigate Settings -> Users.

  2. Click + Add new user.


  3. On the Information tab, specify user data such as name, login, and password. If necessary, add a comment.


    When setting a password, mind password requirements:

    • at least 8 characters long

    • not only numerals

    • not within the list of 20000 commonly used passwords

    • not similar to other user attributes

    • only Latin letters, numerals, and special characters are allowed

  4. From the Roles drop-down menu, select one or several user roles. Set one of them as the Primary role.

  5. On the Photos tab, attach the user’s photo.

  6. Save the user account.


Work with Roles and Users via Console

In case predefined roles have been removed from the system, use the following command to create them:

sudo docker exec -it findface-multi-findface-multi-identity-provider-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ create_groups

To create a user with Super Administrator rights (superuser), execute the following command, mind that password is a required argument:

sudo docker exec -it findface-multi-findface-multi-identity-provider-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ create_default_user --password <password>

Integrate with Active Directory for Auto User Creation

If there are many users in FindFace Multi, it can be inconvenient to create their accounts one by one. One of the ways to facilitate the user creation is to harness the FindFace Multi integration with Active Directory. To do so, follow the step-by-step instructions below, minding the sequence.

Generate Keytab File

Log-in into the Active Directory server and do the following:

  1. Create a new user account in the Active Directory domain to use as a service account.

    Do the following:

    1. Open Active Directory. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.

    2. Click the domain name and then expand the contents. Right-click Users, point to New, and then click User. You will see a user creation form.

    3. Fill-in the fields in the form at your discretion. On the second tab, check the Password never expires checkbox.

    4. Click Next. Review the information that you provided, and if everything is correct, click Finish.

    5. Right-click the just created user account, and then navigate Properties -> Member Of -> Add.

    6. In the Select Groups dialog box, add the Domain Administrators and Domain Users groups to the list, and then click OK.

    7. Click OK to finish.

  2. Register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the service account that you created. To do so, open PowerShell as administrator and execute the following command, specifying your actual SERVICE USER NAME and domain. In the example below, the domain name is testntl.local.

  3. In the same PowerShell window, generate a Keytab file by executing the command below with your actual SERVICE USER NAME, domain, and desirable KEYTAB FILE NAME.

    ktpass.exe -princ HTTP/<SERVICE USER NAME>.testntl.local@TESTNTL.LOCAL -mapuser <SERVICE USER NAME> -crypto ALL -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -pass * -out c:\<KEYTAB FILE NAME>.keytab

    To check the result, navigate to the root directory of the C drive. You will see a keytab file with the relevant name.

  4. Move the keytab file that you created to the FindFace Multi server.

Configure Volumes for Kerberos and Keytab File

To successfully establish a link between FindFace Multi and Active Directory, you need to enable the Kerberos support in the findface-multi-findface-multi-ui-1 container on the FindFace Multi principal server. Do the following:

  1. Mount the /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/krb5.conf file and the /opt/findface-multi/configs/keytab directory into the findface-multi-findface-multi-ui-1 container. To do so, open the /opt/findface-multi/docker-compose.yaml configuration file and list them in the volumes of the findface-multi-ui section.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/docker-compose.yaml
      volumes: ['./configs/findface-multi-ui/nginx-site.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro',
  2. Create directories for the mounted volumes: /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/ and /opt/findface-multi/data/findface-multi-ui/keytab/. Copy the Kerberos configuration file from the findface-multi-findface-multi-ui-1 container to the /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/ directory.

    sudo mkdir -p /opt/findface-multi/data/findface-multi-ui/keytab/
    sudo mkdir /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/
    sudo docker cp findface-multi-findface-multi-ui-1:/etc/krb5.conf /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/
  3. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/krb5.conf configuration file. Specify the Active Directory realm in the libdefaults section. It must be equal to the Active Directory domain name, but spelled in upper case (TESTNTL.LOCAL in the example below). Specify the Active Directory domain in the realms section as well by analogy with the example below.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/kerberos/krb5.conf
            default_realm = TESTNTL.LOCAL
      kdc = testntl.local
      default_domain = testntl.local
  4. Copy the keytab file to the /opt/findface-multi/data/findface-multi-ui/keytab/ directory.

  5. Append the following string to the /etc/hosts file: <Active Directory server IP address> <Active Directory domain name>.

    vi /etc/hosts
    ... testntl.local

Configure NGINX on FindFace Multi Server to Support Active Directory

  1. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-ui/nginx-site.conf configuration file. Find the location /users/me/ad section and uncomment it. Fill in the section by analogy with the example below, placing your actual variables in the strings with comments (#).

    The variables to specify are the following:

    • auth_gss_realm: realm name in Kerberos

    • auth_gss_keytab: location of the keytab file.

    • auth_gss_service_name: full service user name in Active Directory, including the name of the domain it belongs to

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-ui/nginx-site.conf
    location /users/me/ad {
          proxy_pass; # e.g;
          proxy_method POST;
          proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
          proxy_set_header   Host $http_host;
          proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
          proxy_set_header  Authorization $http_authorization;
          proxy_pass_header Authorization;
          proxy_no_cache 1;
          proxy_cache_bypass 1;
          auth_gss on;
          auth_gss_realm TESTNTL.LOCAL; # e.g. TESTNTL.LOCAL;
          auth_gss_keytab /keytab/user.keytab; # e.g. /var/lib/web.keytab
          auth_gss_service_name HTTP/user.testntl.local; # e.g. HTTP/web.testntl.local;
          auth_gss_allow_basic_fallback on;

Finalize FindFace Multi Configuration

To finalize the FindFace Multi integration with Active Directory, perform the following configuration steps on the FindFace Multi side:

  1. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/ configuration file.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/
  2. In the SERVICES section, set "active_directory": True.

    SERVICES = {
            "active_directory": True,
  3. Fill in the ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_CONFIG section as follows:

    • AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: ldap: <Active Directory server IP address>

    • AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN: the name of the service user that you created in Active Directory

    • AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: the service user password

    • SEARCH_GROUPS: Active Directory organization units which FindFace Multi will search for user accounts

    # Specify server credentials
        'AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI': 'ldap://',
        # Domain Administrator user
        # Domain Administrator user password
        # Specify organization units where users search will be executed.
        # Follow pattern (e.g. OU=DEV,DC=domain,DC=com)
        'SEARCH_GROUPS': 'OU=DEV,DC=testntl,DC=local',
  4. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-identity-provider/ configuration file and repeat the previous steps.

  5. Rebuild all FindFace Multi containers.

    cd /opt/findface-multi
    sudo docker-compose down
    sudo docker-compose up -d

Manage FindFace Multi Users via Active Directory

If the FindFace Multi integration with Active Directory is enabled, you will be able to set one of the Active Directory groups for a role you are creating or editing.


Once a user from the selected Active Directory group logs-in into FindFace Multi for the first time, they will be automatically added to the FindFace Multi user list.


To log-in with Active Directory, a user must click the Log in with Active Directory button in the authentication window, specify their Active Directory credentials, and click Sign in.


Deactivate or Delete Users

In order to deactivate a user, unset Active on the user list (Settings -> Users).

If you are going to deactivate multiple users, select them on the user list and then click Deactivate selected.

To delete users from FindFace Multi, select them on the user list and then click Delete selected.