.. _camera-groups: *************************************** Camera Groups *************************************** Camera groups are entities that are used for video sources classification. After processing a video, the system will attribute the object recognition events obtained from the video to a designated camera group. It makes the further event handling and search a lot easier. To create a camera group, do the following: #. Navigate :guilabel:`Settings` -> :guilabel:`Camera groups`. #. Click :guilabel:`+ Add new camera group`. |create_camera_group_en| .. |create_camera_group_en| image:: /_static/create_camera_group_en.png :scale: 65% .. |create_camera_group_ru| image:: /_static/create_camera_group_ru.png :scale: 65% #. On the :guilabel:`Information` tab, specify the group name. Add a comment if needed. |camera_group_en| .. |camera_group_en| image:: /_static/camera_group_en.png :scale: 65% .. |camera_group_ru| image:: /_static/camera_group_ru.png :scale: 65% #. If you want to allocate a certain ``findface-video-worker`` instance to process video streams from the group, create or select one or several allocation labels. .. note:: To complete the allocation, list the labels in the ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml`` configuration file. See :ref:`video-allocation` for details. #. If you want to deduplicate events from cameras that belong to the same group, i. e. exclude coinciding events, check :guilabel:`Deduplicate event with interval` and specify the deduplication interval in seconds (interval between 2 consecutive checks for event uniqueness). .. warning:: Use deduplication with extreme caution. If cameras within a group observe different scenes, some objects may be skipped. See :ref:`deduplication` for details. #. By default, video from all camera groups is processed using the :ref:`generic confidence threshold `. To set an individual threshold for the camera group, enable :guilabel:`Confidence threshold` and specify the threshold value. #. Save the changes. #. On the :guilabel:`Permissions` tab, assign privileges on the camera group, specifying which user roles are allowed to change/view the camera group settings. |camera_group_permissions_en| .. |camera_group_permissions_en| image:: /_static/camera_group_permissions_en.png :scale: 65% .. |camera_group_permissions_ru| image:: /_static/camera_group_permissions_ru.png :scale: 65% #. Click :guilabel:`Save`. #. Activate the camera group.