.. _interaction-analysis: ******************************************************** Interaction Tracking ******************************************************** FindFace Multi can provide interaction tracking and analysis. To harness this functionality, you must enable :ref:`face clustering `. When tracking interactions, the system automatically determines a circle of people with whom a person has previously been in contact. For each person from the first circle, the system builds another circle of connected people, and so on. Overall, interaction analysis is three-circles deep. .. note:: You can track interactions between bodies and vehicles as well. Access this functionality via :ref:`HTTP API `. Note that body and vehicle clustering must be enabled beforehand. The interaction analysis is available on the :guilabel:`Interaction Tracking` tab. |interaction_en| .. |interaction_en| image:: /_static/interaction_en.png :scale: 80% .. |interaction_ru| image:: /_static/interaction_ru.png :scale: 80% .. tip:: You can also display the circle of connected people right from the :guilabel:`Clusters` tab and :guilabel:`Record index` tab by clicking on the handshake icon. |interaction_clusters_handshake_en| .. |interaction_clusters_handshake_en| image:: /_static/interaction_clusters_handshake_en.png :scale: 60% .. |interaction_clusters_handshake_ru| image:: /_static/interaction_clusters_handshake_ru.png :scale: 60% On the :guilabel:`Interaction Tracking` tab, click on a person to display their first circle of interactions and associated events. Keep on to unveil the entire tree of interactions. |interaction_circles_en| .. |interaction_circles_en| image:: /_static/interaction_circles_en.png :scale: 50% .. |interaction_circles_ru| image:: /_static/interaction_circles_ru.png :scale: 50% You can apply the available filters to the interaction tracking: .. tip:: For example, you can find older adults or people without a face mask who are directly or indirectly related to a potentially contagious person. * :guilabel:`Matches`: display clusters only with/without matches, or all events. * :guilabel:`Watch lists`: display clusters only for a selected watch list. * :guilabel:`Camera groups`: display only clusters from a selected group of cameras. * :guilabel:`Cameras`: display only clusters from a selected camera. * :guilabel:`Record name`: display clusters with a given record name. * :guilabel:`Date and time`: display only clusters formed within a certain period. * :guilabel:`First cluster even`: display only the first cluster event within a certain period. * :guilabel:`Cluster event`: display only cluster event within a certain period. * :guilabel:`ID`: display a cluster with a given ID. .. rubric:: Specific filters for face clusters * :guilabel:`Age`: display clusters with people of a given age. * :guilabel:`Beard`: filter clusters by the fact of having a beard. * :guilabel:`Emotions`: display clusters with given emotions. * :guilabel:`Gender`: display clusters with people of a given gender. * :guilabel:`Glasses`: filter clusters by the fact of wearing glasses. * :guilabel:`Liveness`: filter clusters by face liveness. * :guilabel:`Face mask`: filter clusters by the fact of wearing a face mask. When searching through a circle of interactions, apply the following additional settings: * :guilabel:`Interaction search based on the episode last event`: check to analyze contacts between individuals using the last event of an episode. In this case, having found truly associated people is most probable as they simultaneously leave a camera’s field of view. If the option is disabled, the system will use the best event of an episode for interaction search. * :guilabel:`Maximum gap between the appearance of individuals to consider them connected, seconds`: maximum time in seconds between the appearance of individuals to consider them related.