.. _api_object: Objects ============================= Add face object --------------------------- .. code:: POST /objects/faces/ This method creates new ``Face object`` that contains source photo, thumbnail, and other attributes. .. tip:: For car or body objects instead ``faces`` use ``cars`` or ``body``. The REQUEST BODY is required and contains multipart/form-data with the following :ref:`parameters `: .. _add_objects_request_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``create_from`` - string - This field can contain one of the following references: - ``detection:``: use a ``Detection`` object (obtained with the ``POST /detect``) to select a object on ``source_photo``. (``source_photo`` must contain the same image that was used for ``POST /detect``). - ``{face, body, or car}event:``: create new Object from an Event (source_photo must be empty). - ``{face, body, or car}object:``: use another Object as a template for this object (source_photo must be empty). * - ``detect_id`` - string - Auxiliary parameter. * - ``mf_selector`` - enum - This parameter defines the FindFace Multi default behaviour when there are multiple objects are present in ``source_photo``, and ``create_from`` is not set. Default: ``reject``. Allowed: - ``reject`` – Reject ``source_photo`` with multiple objects. - ``biggest`` – Select the biggest object in ``source_photo``. * - ``upload_list`` - integer - Add object to this upload list. * - ``source_photo`` - binary - Source photo (required when ``create_from`` points to a ``Detection`` or empty). * - ``frame_coords_left`` - integer - Left border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_top`` - integer - Top border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_right`` - integer - Right border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_bottom`` - integer - Bottom border of object's bounding box. * - ``active`` - boolean - ``true`` if object is enabled. Default: true. * - ``card`` - integer - Related ``card`` ID. Attach the photofile to the ``source_photo``, point out the related ``card id`` and paste ``detection:`` into ``create_from``, where ``detection id`` you have got from :ref:`detection objects on a photo `. ``source_photo`` must contain the same image that was used for ``POST /detect``. |api_add_object_create_from_en| .. |api_add_object_create_from_en| image:: /_static/api_add_object_create_from_en.png :scale: 80% |api_add_object_create_source_photo_en| .. |api_add_object_create_source_photo_en| image:: /_static/api_add_object_create_source_photo_en.png :scale: 80% |api_add_object_card_id_en| .. |api_add_object_card_id_en| image:: /_static/api_add_object_card_id_en.png :scale: 80% .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X POST "http:///objects/faces/" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F "create_from=detection:cf2g86uv54rqhngnq960" \ -F "source_photo=@Смит_01.png" \ -F "card=3" \ If the response is successful (Created: 201), it returns an object that contains the following :ref:`parameters `. :ref:`Example `. .. _add_objects_response_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``id*`` - string 🆁 - ID. * - ``created_date*`` - date-time 🆁 - Object creation date. * - ``modified_date*`` - date-time 🆁 - Object modification date. * - ``source_photo_name*`` - string 🆁 - Filename supplied for source_photo on object creation. * - ``frame_coords_left`` - integer - Left border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_top`` - integer - Top border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_right`` - integer - Right border of object's bounding box. * - ``frame_coords_bottom`` - integer - Bottom border of object's bounding box. * - ``thumbnail*`` - uri 🆁 - Object thumbnail. * - ``active`` - boolean - Default: true. ``true`` if object is enabled. * - ``features*`` - : str┃int┃float┃bool┃object┃array┃null - Features. * - ``card*`` - integer - Related card ID. .. _add_objects_response_example: .. rubric:: Response example .. code:: { "card": 3, "created_date": "2023-01-16T08:12:55+00:00", "modified_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", "source_photo_name": "Смит_01.png", "source_photo": "", "thumbnail": "", "frame_coords_left": 757, "frame_coords_top": 79, "frame_coords_right": 948, "frame_coords_bottom": 353, "active": true, "features": {}, "id": "4493225067924944019", "meta": {} } Useful requests -------------------------- .. code:: GET /objects/bodies/ POST /objects/bodies/ GET /objects/bodies/{id}/ DELETE /objects/bodies/{id}/ PATCH /objects/bodies/{id}/ GET /objects/cars/ POST /objects/cars/ GET /objects/cars/{id}/ DELETE /objects/cars/{id}/ PATCH /objects/cars/{id}/ GET /objects/faces/ POST /objects/faces/ GET /objects/faces/{id}/ DELETE /objects/faces/{id}/ PATCH /objects/faces/{id}/