.. _api_videos: Videos ======================== .. _list_video_archives: List video archives ----------------------- To list video archives, use the following method: .. code:: GET /videos/ The REQUEST contains :ref:`QUERY-STRING PARAMETERS `. .. _video_request_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``case_in`` - array of integer - Select videos included in these cases. * - ``created_date_gt`` - date-time - Select objects with ``created_date`` greater than this value. * - ``created_date_gte`` - date-time - Select objects with ``created_date`` greater than or equal to this value. * - ``created_date_last_n_days`` - number - Select objects with ``created_date`` in last N days. * - ``created_date_lt`` - date-time - Select objects with ``created_date`` less than this value. * - ``created_date_lte`` - date-time - Select objects with ``created_date`` less than or equal to this value. * - ``created_date_nth_full_week`` - number - Select objects with ``created_date`` in last Nth week (including Sunday and Saturday). * - ``created_date_nth_work_week`` - number - Select objects with ``created_date`` in last Nth week (only working days, i.e. excluding Sunday and Saturday). * - ``limit`` - string - Number of results to return per page. * - ``name`` - string - Select video archives with this ``name`` field. * - ``ordering`` - string - Available fields: id, created_date, name. * - ``page`` - string - Pagination cursor value. * - ``save_to`` - string - Select video archives with this save_to field. For example, select some number of results for ``limit``. .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X GET "http:///videos/?limit=2" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ If the response is successful (OK: 200), it returns an object that contains with :ref:`the following parameters `. :ref:`Example `. .. _get_video_response_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema * - ``next_page`` - string┃null * - ``prev_page`` - string┃null * - ``results`` - array .. _result_parameters: The ``results`` contain an array with the following parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``id*`` - integer 🆁 - ID of the video archives. * - ``camera_group*`` - integer - Camera group. * - ``name*`` - string┃null - Name of the video archives. Constraints: Max 256 chars. * - ``url`` - string┃null - URL. * - ``camera`` - integer┃null - Camera. * - ``processing_start_date*`` - date-time 🆁 - Video processing start date. * - ``active*`` - boolean 🆁 - Processing is active. * - ``screenshot*`` - uri 🆁 - Screenshot URL. * - ``stream_settings`` - {...} - Serializer mixin that raises ValidationError if excess fields are presented. Can be used in nested serializers. * - ``source_len*`` - number 🆁 - Source length in seconds. * - ``health_status*`` - {...} - Additional status information. * - ``finished*`` - boolean 🆁 - ``true`` if the video processing is finished. * - ``queued*`` - boolean 🆁 - ``true`` if the video is in the processing queue. * - ``face_count*`` - integer 🆁 - Number of created faces. * - ``file_size*`` - integer 🆁 - Video file size in the archive. * - ``created_date*`` - date-time 🆁 - Object creation date. * - ``body_count*`` - integer 🆁 - Number of created bodies. * - ``car_count*`` - integer 🆁 - Number of created cars. * - ``case`` - integer┃null - Case. * - ``face_cluster_count*`` - integer┃null 🆁 - Count of face clusters created from this video. * - ``body_cluster_count*`` - integer┃null 🆁 - Count of body clusters created from this video. * - ``car_cluster_count*`` - integer┃null 🆁 - Count of car clusters created from this video. .. note:: Cases are not supported in FindFace Multi 2.0+ and are kept in API only. .. _get_video_response_example: .. rubric:: Response example .. code:: { "next_page": null, "prev_page": null, "results": [ { "id": 2, "camera_group": 1, "name": "file.mp4", "url": null, "camera": null, "processing_start_date": null, "active": false, "screenshot": "http:///videos/2/screenshot/", "stream_settings": { "detectors": { "face": { "filter_max_size": 8192, "filter_min_quality": 0.45, "filter_min_size": 60, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 95, "overall_only": true, "post_best_track_frame": true, "post_best_track_normalize": true, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 1, "roi": "", "track_interpolate_bboxes": true, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 1, "track_overlap_threshold": 0.25, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "simple_iou", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0.65, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": true }, "body": null, "car": null }, "disable_drops": true, "ffmpeg_format": "", "ffmpeg_params": [], "imotion_threshold": 0, "play_speed": -1, "rot": "", "router_timeout_ms": 15000, "router_verify_ssl": true, "start_stream_timestamp": 0, "stream_data_filter": "", "use_stream_timestamp": false, "video_transform": "", "enable_recorder": false, "enable_liveness": false }, "source_len": null, "health_status": { "enabled": false, "status": "DISABLED", "msg": "", "statistic": { "processed_duration": 0, "faces_posted": 0, "faces_failed": 0, "faces_not_posted": 0, "processing_fps": 0, "frames_dropped": 0, "frames_processed": 0, "frames_imotion_skipped": 0, "decoding_soft_errors": 0, "frame_width": 0, "frame_height": 0, "last_stream_timestamp": 0, "objects": null, "job_starts": 0 }, "code": "gray", "code_desc": "Обработка видео не запущена" }, "finished": false, "queued": false, "face_count": 0, "file_size": 2259950, "created_date": "2023-01-12T08:57:36.811305Z", "body_count": 0, "car_count": 0, "case": null, "face_cluster_count": 0, "body_cluster_count": 0, "car_cluster_count": 0 } ] } .. _add_a_new_video_archive: Add a new video archive --------------------------------- To add video archives, use the following method: .. code:: POST /videos/ The REQUEST BODY is required and contains application/json object with the following :ref:`parameters `: .. _post_video_request_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``camera_group*`` - integer - ID value of camera group. * - ``name*`` - string┃null - Name of the video archive. Constraints: 1 to 256 chars. * - ``url`` - string┃null - Constraints: Min 1 chars. * - ``camera`` - integer┃null - Camera. * - ``stream_settings`` - {...} - Serializer mixin that raises ValidationError if excess fields are presented. Can be used in nested serializers. * - ``case`` - integer┃null - Case. .. note:: Cases are not supported in FindFace Multi 2.0+ and are kept in API only. .. rubric:: Request example .. tip:: This example is given for reference only, substitute your values in the corresponding fields. You may fill in only the required fields, and the others will be by default. .. code:: { "camera_group": 0, "name": "A", "url": "A", "camera": 0, "stream_settings": { "detectors": { "face": { "filter_max_size": 0, "filter_min_quality": 0, "filter_min_size": 0, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 0, "overall_only": false, "post_best_track_frame": false, "post_best_track_normalize": false, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 0, "roi": "string", "track_interpolate_bboxes": false, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 0, "track_overlap_threshold": 0, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "string", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": false }, "body": { "filter_max_size": 0, "filter_min_quality": 0, "filter_min_size": 0, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 0, "overall_only": false, "post_best_track_frame": false, "post_best_track_normalize": false, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 0, "roi": "string", "track_interpolate_bboxes": false, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 0, "track_overlap_threshold": 0, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "string", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": false }, "car": { "filter_max_size": 0, "filter_min_quality": 0, "filter_min_size": 0, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 0, "overall_only": false, "post_best_track_frame": false, "post_best_track_normalize": false, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 0, "roi": "string", "track_interpolate_bboxes": false, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 0, "track_overlap_threshold": 0, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "string", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": false } }, "disable_drops": false, "ffmpeg_format": "string", "ffmpeg_params": [ "A" ], "imotion_threshold": 0, "play_speed": 0, "rot": "string", "router_timeout_ms": 0, "router_verify_ssl": false, "start_stream_timestamp": 0, "stream_data_filter": "string", "use_stream_timestamp": false, "video_transform": "string", "enable_recorder": false, "enable_liveness": false }, "case": 0 } For example, you may send these parameters. .. code:: { "camera_group": 1, "name": "Pitt&Jolie" } .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X POST "http:///videos/" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"camera_group":1,"name":"Pitt&Jolie"}' \ If the response is successful (Created: 201), it returns an object that contains :ref:`parameters `. :ref:`Example `. .. _post_video_response_example: .. rubric:: Response example .. code:: { "id": 6, "camera_group": 1, "name": "Pitt&Jolie", "url": null, "camera": null, "processing_start_date": null, "active": false, "screenshot": "http:///videos/6/screenshot/", "stream_settings": { "detectors": { "face": { "filter_max_size": 8192, "filter_min_quality": 0.45, "filter_min_size": 60, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 95, "overall_only": true, "post_best_track_frame": true, "post_best_track_normalize": true, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 1, "roi": "", "track_interpolate_bboxes": true, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 1, "track_overlap_threshold": 0.25, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "simple_iou", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0.65, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": true }, "body": { "filter_max_size": 8192, "filter_min_quality": 0.6, "filter_min_size": 70, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 95, "overall_only": true, "post_best_track_frame": true, "post_best_track_normalize": true, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 1, "roi": "", "track_interpolate_bboxes": true, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 1, "track_overlap_threshold": 0.25, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "simple_iou", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0.65, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": true }, "car": { "filter_max_size": 8192, "filter_min_quality": 0.73, "filter_min_size": 100, "fullframe_crop_rot": false, "fullframe_use_png": false, "jpeg_quality": 95, "overall_only": true, "post_best_track_frame": true, "post_best_track_normalize": true, "post_first_track_frame": false, "post_last_track_frame": false, "realtime_post_every_interval": false, "realtime_post_first_immediately": false, "realtime_post_interval": 1, "roi": "", "track_interpolate_bboxes": true, "track_max_duration_frames": 0, "track_miss_interval": 1, "track_overlap_threshold": 0.25, "track_send_history": false, "tracker_type": "simple_iou", "track_deep_sort_matching_threshold": 0.65, "track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks": true } } }, "source_len": null, "health_status": { "enabled": false, "status": "WAITING_FOR_SYNC", "msg": "", "statistic": {}, "code": "red", "code_desc": "Отсутствует задача в видео менеджере. Дождитесь синхронизации." }, "finished": false, "queued": false, "face_count": 0, "file_size": 0, "created_date": "2023-01-18T08:38:52.119129Z", "body_count": 0, "car_count": 0, "case": null, "face_cluster_count": 0, "body_cluster_count": 0, "car_cluster_count": 0 } Then point its ``id`` to upload the source file with ``PUT /videos/{id}/upload/source_file/``. .. _attach_source_video_file: Upload video file --------------------------------- To upload a video file, use the following method: .. code:: PUT /videos/{id}/upload/source_file/ The request contains required PATH PARAMETERS: +----------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Schema | Description | +============================+===========================+================================================================================+ | ``id*`` | integer | A unique integer value identifying this video. | +----------------------------+---------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In REQUEST BODY attach your video source file with ``id`` of the video archive. **Returns**: * Created: 201 – in success. * Not Found: 404 – if fail. .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X PUT "http:///videos/6/upload/source_file/" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ -H "Content-Type: video/mp4" \ --data-binary @pittjolie.mp4 \ .. _start_video_archive_processing: Start video archive processing --------------------------------------- To start video archive processing, use the following method: .. code:: POST /videos/{id}/process/ The REQUEST contains ``id`` in PATH PARAMETERS, identifying unique integer value of the video archive. .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X POST "http:///videos/6/process/" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ **Returns**: * OK: 200 – in success. * Not Found: 404 – if fail. Useful requests --------------------------------- .. code:: GET /videos/ POST /videos/ GET /videos/{id}/ PUT /videos/{id}/ DELETE /videos/{id}/ POST /videos/{id}/process/ GET /videos/{id}/screenshot/ POST /videos/{id}/screenshot/ POST /videos/{id}/stop/ PUT /videos/{id}/upload/source_file/ GET /videos/count/