.. _edge-devices: External Detectors ======================================== It is possible to integrate FindFace Multi with the external detectors that can source frames for object recognition, e.g., Access Control terminals. In this case, once FindFace Multi receives a frame from an external detector, it will initiate the extraction of the object's feature vector and event creation. You can work with these events by analogy with the :ref:`events ` from CCTV cameras. .. important:: To use an external detector for object recognition, liveness detection must be enabled. If you have not enabled it during :ref:`installation `, you can do it now, using information from the :ref:`Enable Face Liveness Detection ` section. The liveness model ``faceattr.liveness_web.v1`` comes in the default configuration and is used for authentication by face. If your use case implies connection to an external detector for object recognition, replace the ``faceattr.liveness_web.v1`` model with the ``faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3`` model in the ``findface-extraction-api.yaml`` configuration file. The extraction model ``faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3`` model uses the ``crop2x.v2_maxsize400`` normalizer. Make sure to enable it in the ``normalizers → models`` section. .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml extractors: ... models: face_liveness: default: model: faceattr/faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3.gpu.fnk ... normalizers: ... models: ... crop2x: model: facenorm/crop2x.v2_maxsize400.gpu.fnk ... .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml extractors: ... models: face_liveness: default: model: faceattr/faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3.cpu.fnk ... normalizers: ... models: ... crop2x: model: facenorm/crop2x.v2_maxsize400.cpu.fnk ... Restart the ``findface-multi-findface-extraction-api-1`` container. .. code:: sudo docker container restart findface-multi-findface-extraction-api-1 The external detector integration is done through :ref:`HTTP API `. After the primary configuration, FindFace Multi will issue a token. Specify this token in every API request sent by the external detector to FindFace Multi to authorize the device. To integrate an external detector with FindFace Multi, do the following: #. Navigate to the :guilabel:`Video Sources` → :guilabel:`External Detectors`. #. Click :guilabel:`+ Add` or :guilabel:`Add external detectors` if you don't have any detectors yet. |add_ext_detector_en| .. |add_ext_detector_en| image:: /_static/add_ext_detector_en.png :scale: 80% .. |add_ext_detector_ru| image:: /_static/add_ext_detector_ru.png :scale: 80% #. In the opened tab, specify the external detector name and description. Add the external detector to a camera group, so it will be more convenient to filter events from this device later. |ext_det_window_en| .. |ext_det_window_en| image:: /_static/ext_det_window_en.png :scale: 80% .. |ext_det_window_ru| image:: /_static/ext_det_window_ru.png :scale: 80% .. tip:: You can allot a separate camera group specifically to external detectors. #. On the :guilabel:`Add and configure` tab, enable liveness. On the same tab you will see a token. |ex_detect_config_en| .. |ex_detect_config_en| image:: /_static/ex_detect_config_en.png :scale: 80% .. |ex_detect_config_ru| image:: /_static/ex_detect_config_ru.png :scale: 80% #. Specify this token in every API request that the external detector sends to FindFace Multi to create an event. As a result, frames passed in the requests will be associated with the external detector's relevant camera and processed by analogy with the frames from CCTV cameras. |detector_token_en| .. |detector_token_en| image:: /_static/detector_token_en.png :scale: 55% Detailed interactive documentation on the FindFace Multi HTTP API is available after installation at ``http:///api-docs``. Learn and try it out. .. tip:: You can also find it by navigating to :guilabel:`Settings` → :guilabel:`API Documentation` in the web interface.