.. _special_vehicle: Special Vehicle Recognition ============================ FindFace Multi can recognize a special vehicle and its type. You can set up special vehicle recognition during the :ref:`installation ` or enable it later, using the instruction in the :ref:`Enable Vehicle and Vehicle Attribute Recognition ` section. .. note:: Special vehicle recognition works for selected countries only and may not work for your country. For more information please contact your manager or our support team (support@ntechlab.com). The default special vehicle recognition model is ``carattr.special_types12.v0``. It supports recognition of the following vehicle types: * Taxi: taxi, including cargo taxi. In some cases, a cargo taxi can be defined as “other special”. * Public road transport: route transport, i.e. buses, share taxis, trolleybuses. * Carsharing: supported carsharing services are Citydrive, Yandex.Drive, Delimobil, BelkaCar. Carsharing services that look similar to those listed above, may also be recognized. * Ambulance: ambulance, including mobile intensive care units (both white and yellow vehicles). * Police: police, including traffic police cars. * Rescue service: fire service and EMERCOM vehicles. * Gas rescue and emergency services: overall yellow or white cars, including those with contrasting red doors, typical red stripes, and the ``04`` / ``104`` sign on board. * Military: military vehicles, including the National Guard vehicles. * Road service: road service vehicles, including municipal vehicles, construction equipment, and vehicles of the Center for the Organization of Road Traffic. * Cash-in-transit: cash-in-transit vehicles. * Other special: a special vehicle that does not fall within the above-listed types. * Not special: not a special vehicle.