-- -- Please, read the tarantool documentation at https://www.tarantool.io/en/doc/1.10/ -- -- Replication - set master address on replica to enable: -- example: -- local replication_master = '' local replication_master = nil box.cfg{ -- THIS IS NOT HTTP API PORT, it's for admin operations listen = '', --Directory to store data vinyl_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001', work_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001', memtx_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001/snapshots', wal_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001/xlogs', --Maximum mem usage in bytes memtx_memory = 200 * 1024 * 1024, checkpoint_interval = 3600*4, checkpoint_count = 3, replication = replication_master, --uncomment only if you know what you are doing!!! and don't forget box.snapshot() -- wal_mode = 'none', --if true, tarantool tries to continue if there is an error while reading a snapshot/xlog files: skips invalid records, reads as much data as possible and re-builds the file -- force_recovery = true, } pcall(function() box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'execute,read,write', 'universe') end) if replication_master ~= nil then -- pause replication if enabled - will continue inside FindFace module box.cfg{replication = ''} else pcall(function() box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'execute,read,write', 'universe') end) end dofile("/etc/findface-security/tnt_schema.lua") -- host:port to bind, HTTP API FindFace = require("FindFace") FindFace.start("", 8101, { license_ntls_server="", replication = replication_master, meta_indexes=meta_indexes, meta_scheme=meta_scheme })