.. _backup-restore: Back Up and Recover Data Storages ======================================== This section is all about the backup and recovery of the FindFace Multi data storages, which are the following: * Tarantool-based feature vector database that stores feature vectors and object identification events. * Main system database ``ffsecurity`` based on PostgreSQL, that stores internal system data, dossiers, user accounts, and camera settings. * Directory ``/var/lib/findface-security/uploads`` that stores uploaded dossier photos, video files, and such event artifacts as full frames, object thumbnails, and normalized object images. * Directory ``/var/lib/ffupload/`` that stores only such event artifacts as object thumbnails. .. rubric:: In this section: .. contents:: :local: Feature Vector Database Backup and Recovery --------------------------------------------- There are the following galleries in the Tarantool-based feature vector database: * ``ffsec_body_events``: feature vectors extracted from bodies detected in the video. * ``ffsec_body_objects``: feature vectors extracted from bodies in dossier photos. * ``ffsec_car_events``: feature vectors extracted from cars detected in the video. * ``ffsec_car_objects``: feature vectors extracted from cars in dossier photos. * ``ffsec_face_events``: feature vectors extracted from faces detected in the video. * ``ffsec_face_objects``: feature vectors extracted from faces in dossier photos. * ``ffsec_user_face``: feature vectors extracted from photos of FindFace Multi users, used for face-based authentication. * ``ffsec_persons``: centroids of persons (virtual feature vectors averaged across all person's faces) and metadata. The database backup/recovery functionality allows you to fully restore all the galleries when needed. To avoid data loss, we recommend you back up a feature vector database at least once a week. Overall, the backups' frequency depends on the number of dossiers and object recognition events, and available disk space. Be sure to back up the database before :ref:`migrating ` your system to another neural network model. Utilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To back up and recover the FindFace Multi feature vector database, the following utilities are needed: #. backup: ``findface-storage-api-dump``, #. recovery: ``findface-storage-api-restore``. These utilities are automatically installed along with ``findface-sf-api``. Back Up Database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To back up the feature vector database, use the ``findface-storage-api-dump`` utility as follows: .. important:: The following services must be active: ``findface-tarantool-server``, ``findface-sf-api``. .. note:: The backup functionality can be applied to a distributed database. In this case, the ``findface-storage-api-dump`` utility will back up galleries on all the shards specified in ``/etc/findface-sf-api.ini``. #. On the server with ``findface-sf-api``, create a directory to store the backup files (``/etc/findface_dump`` in the example below). #. Launch the ``findface-storage-api-dump`` utility by executing: .. code:: sudo findface-storage-api-dump -output-dir=/etc/findface_dump -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini The utility will back up at once all the galleries into the files with corresponding names (``ffsec_body_events.json``, ``ffsec_face_events``, etc.) and save them into the directory. These files contain all the data needed to restore the entire database. Recover Database ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To recover the feature vector database from the backup, launch the ``findface-storage-api-restore`` utility for all the files in the backup folder: .. code:: sudo findface-storage-api-restore -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini /etc/findface_dump/*.json The recovery process can be interrupted and resumed whenever necessary. To resume the process after the interruption, launch the ``findface-storage-api-restore`` utility again. .. seealso:: * :ref:`backup-config` * :ref:`restore-config` Main Database Backup and Recovery ---------------------------------------- To back up the main database ``ffsecurity`` based on PostgreSQL, execute: .. code:: sudo -u postgres pg_dump ffsecurity > ffsecurity_postgres_backup.sql To recover the main database, do the following: #. Stop the ``findface-security`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl stop findface-security.service #. Stop the ``pgbouncer`` service to delete its active sessions with the ``ffsecurity`` database. .. code:: sudo systemctl stop pgbouncer.service #. Open the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. .. code:: sudo -u postgres psql #. Remove the old ``ffsecurity`` database. .. code:: DROP DATABASE ffsecurity; #. Create a new ``ffsecurity`` database. Leave the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. .. code:: CREATE DATABASE ffsecurity WITH OWNER ntech ENCODING 'UTF-8' LC_COLLATE='C.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE='C.UTF-8' TEMPLATE template0; #. Start the ``pgbouncer`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl start pgbouncer.service #. Recover the database content from the backup. .. code:: sudo -u postgres psql -d ffsecurity -f ffsecurity_postgres_backup.sql #. Migrate the database architecture from FindFace Multi to :program:`PostgreSQL`, re-create user groups with :ref:`predefined ` rights and the first user with administrator rights. .. code:: sudo findface-security migrate sudo findface-security create_groups sudo findface-security create_default_user #. Start the ``findface-security`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl start findface-security.service Artifacts Backup and Recovery ---------------------------------- The FindFace Multi artifacts, such as uploaded dossier photos, video files, and such event artifacts as full frames, object thumbnails, and normalized object images, are stored in the following directories: * ``/var/lib/findface-security/uploads`` * ``/var/lib/ffupload/`` To back up the artifacts, execute: .. code:: sudo tar -cvzf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffsecurity_uploads.tar.gz /var/lib/findface-security/uploads/ sudo tar -cvzf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffupload.tar.gz /var/lib/ffupload/ To recover the artifacts, execute the following commands from the root directory: .. code:: cd / sudo tar -xvf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffsecurity_uploads.tar.gz sudo tar -xvf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffupload.tar.gz