.. _cars: Enable Car and Car Attribute Recognition ========================================= FindFace Multi allows you to recognize individual cars and car attributes. The car attributes are the following: * license plate number (for selected countries), * color, * make, * model, * car body style. .. important:: Recognition of individual cars is an experimental feature. Therefore, we highly recommend you enable the additional attribute analysis to improve the recognition quality. In this case, the system compares not only the feature vectors of two cars but also their attributes such as color, body style, make, and model. A conclusion about the cars' match is only made if both the feature vectors and attributes of the cars coincide. See the detailed description of how to enable the additional attribute analysis in the step-by-step instructions below. To enable recognition of cars and their attributes, do the following: #. Specify neural network models for car object and car attribute recognition in the ``/etc/findface-extraction-api.ini`` configuration file. Do the following: .. important:: Be sure to choose the right acceleration type for each model, matching the acceleration type of ``findface-extraction-api``: CPU or GPU. Be aware that ``findface-extraction-api`` on CPU can work only with CPU-models, while ``findface-extraction-api`` on GPU supports both CPU- and GPU-models. #. Open the ``/etc/findface-extraction-api.ini`` configuration file. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-extraction-api.ini #. Specify the car detector model in the ``detectors -> models`` section by pasting the following code: .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: detectors: ... models: ... efreitor: aliases: - car model: cadet/efreitor.gpu.fnk options: min_object_size: 32 resolutions: [256x256, 384x384, 512x512, 768x768, 1024x1024, 1536x1536, 2048x2048] ... .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: detectors: ... models: ... efreitor: aliases: - car model: cadet/efreitor.cpu.fnk options: min_object_size: 32 resolutions: [256x256, 384x384, 512x512, 768x768, 1024x1024, 1536x1536, 2048x2048] ... #. Specify the extraction models in the ``extractors -> models`` section, subject to the extractors you want to enable: .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: extractors: ... models: car_color: '' car_description: carattr/description.v0.gpu.fnk car_emben: carrec/alonso.gpu.fnk car_license_plate: carattr/carattr.license_plate.v2.gpu.fnk car_license_plate_quality: carattr/carattr.license_plate_quality.v0.gpu.fnk car_make: '' car_quality: carattr/carattr.quality.v0.gpu.fnk .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: extractors: ... models: car_color: '' car_description: carattr/description.v0.cpu.fnk car_emben: carrec/alonso.cpu.fnk car_license_plate: carattr/carattr.license_plate.v2.cpu.fnk car_license_plate_quality: carattr/carattr.license_plate_quality.v0.cpu.fnk car_make: '' car_quality: carattr/carattr.quality.v0.cpu.fnk The following extractors are available: +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Extractor | Configure as follows | +==================+=================================================================================+ | individual car | ``car_emben: carrec/alonso.cpu.fnk`` | | object +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``car_emben: carrec/alonso.gpu.fnk`` | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | license plate | ``car_license_plate: carattr/carattr.license_plate.v2.cpu.fnk`` | | number | ``car_license_plate_quality: carattr/carattr.license_plate_quality.v0.cpu.fnk`` | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``car_license_plate: carattr/carattr.license_plate.v2.gpu.fnk`` | | | ``car_license_plate_quality: carattr/carattr.license_plate_quality.v0.gpu.fnk`` | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | set of | ``car_description: carattr/description.v0.cpu.fnk`` | | attributes: | | | make / color +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | / model / body | ``car_description: carattr/description.v0.gpu.fnk`` | | style | | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | car image | ``car_quality: carattr/carattr.quality.v0.cpu.fnk`` | | quality +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``car_quality: carattr/carattr.quality.v0.gpu.fnk`` | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. tip:: To leave a model disabled, pass the empty value ``''`` to the relevant parameter. Do not remove the parameter itself. Otherwise, the system will be searching for the default model. .. code:: extractors: ... models: car_color: '' car_description: '' car_emben: '' car_license_plate: '' car_license_plate_quality: '' car_make: '' car_quality: '' car_trash: '' #. Specify the normalizers required for the extractors specified in the previous step. For example, if you need license plate recognition, specify the ``carlicplate`` normalizer. +-------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Normalizer | Normalizer model | Used for extractors | +=============+===========================================+===================================================================+ | carlicplate | ``carnorm/anaferon.v1.gpu.fnk`` | ``car_license_plate`` | | | ``carnorm/anaferon.v1.cpu.fnk`` | | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | cropbbox | ``facenorm/cropbbox.v2.gpu.fnk`` | ``car_license_plate_quality``, ``car_description``, | | | ``facenorm/cropbbox.v2.cpu.fnk`` | ``car_quality`` | +-------------+-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: normalizers: ... models: carlicplate: model: carnorm/anaferon.v1.gpu.fnk ... cropbbox: model: facenorm/cropbbox.v2.gpu.fnk .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: normalizers: ... models: carlicplate: model: carnorm/anaferon.v1.cpu.fnk ... cropbbox: model: facenorm/cropbbox.v2.cpu.fnk #. Make sure that the ``objects -> car`` section contains the ``quality_attribute: car_quality``: .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: objects: ... car: base_normalizer: facenorm/cropbbox.v2.gpu.fnk quality_attribute: car_quality ... .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: objects: ... car: base_normalizer: facenorm/cropbbox.v2.cpu.fnk quality_attribute: car_quality #. After completing the configuration file modification, make sure it looks similar to the :download:`following example <_scripts/findface-extraction-api.txt>`. #. Restart ``findface-extraction-api``. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-extraction-api #. Modify the ``/etc/findface-video-worker-gpu.ini`` (``/etc/findface-video-worker-cpu.ini``) configuration file. In the ``car`` section, specify the neural network models by analogy with the example below. Restart ``findface-video-worker-gpu`` (``findface-video-worker-cpu``). .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-video-worker-gpu.ini #------------------------------ [car] #------------------------------ ## detector param ## type:number env:CFG_CAR_MIN_SIZE longopt:--car-min-size min_size = 60 ## path to car detector ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_DETECTOR longopt:--car-detector detector = /usr/share/findface-data/models/cadet/efreitor.gpu.fnk ## path to normalizer (usually crop2x) ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_NORM longopt:--car-norm norm = /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/cropbbox.v2.gpu.fnk ## path to car quality extractor ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_QUALITY longopt:--car-quality quality = /usr/share/findface-data/models/carattr/carattr.quality.v0.gpu.fnk ## path to car quality normalizer ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_NORM_QUALITY longopt:--car-norm-quality norm_quality = /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/cropbbox.v2.gpu.fnk ## path to car track features extractor ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_TRACK_FEATURES longopt:--car-track-features track_features = ## path to car track features normalizer ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_TRACK_FEATURES_NORM longopt:--car-track-features-norm track_features_norm = .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-video-worker-gpu.service .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-video-worker-cpu.ini #------------------------------ [car] #------------------------------ ## detector param ## type:number env:CFG_CAR_MIN_SIZE longopt:--car-min-size min_size = 60 ## path to car detector ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_DETECTOR longopt:--car-detector detector = /usr/share/findface-data/models/cadet/efreitor.cpu.fnk ## path to normalizer (usually crop2x) ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_NORM longopt:--car-norm norm = /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/cropbbox.v2.cpu.fnk ## path to car quality extractor ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_QUALITY longopt:--car-quality quality = /usr/share/findface-data/models/carattr/carattr.quality.v0.cpu.fnk ## path to car quality normalizer ## type:string env:CFG_CAR_NORM_QUALITY longopt:--car-norm-quality norm_quality = /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/cropbbox.v2.cpu.fnk .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-video-worker-cpu.service #. Open the ``/etc/findface-video-manager.conf`` configuration file and make sure it contains the ``car`` section in ``detectors`` that looks similar to the example below. .. tip:: As a reference value for the ``filter_min_quality`` parameter, you can take the ``MINIMUM_CAR_QUALITY`` parameter value from the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-video-manager.conf detectors: ... car: filter_min_quality: 0.65 filter_min_size: 1 filter_max_size: 8192 roi: "" fullframe_crop_rot: false fullframe_use_png: false jpeg_quality: 95 overall_only: false realtime_post_first_immediately: false realtime_post_interval: 1 realtime_post_every_interval: false track_interpolate_bboxes: true track_miss_interval: 1 track_overlap_threshold: 0.25 track_max_duration_frames: 0 track_send_history: false post_best_track_frame: true post_best_track_normalize: true post_first_track_frame: false post_last_track_frame: false tracker_type: simple_iou track_deep_sort_matching_threshold: 0.65 track_deep_sort_filter_unconfirmed_tracks: true #. Enable the recognition of cars and car attributes in the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. Do the following: #. In the ``FFSECURITY`` section, set ``'ENABLE_CARS': True``. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py FFSECURITY = { ... # optional objects to detect 'ENABLE_CARS': True, ... #. In the same section, specify the car attributes you want to display for the car recognition events. .. code:: # available features are: description, license_plate 'CAR_EVENTS_FEATURES': ['description', 'license_plate'], #. To improve the quality of individual car recognition, we highly recommend you enable the additional attribute analysis. In this case, the system compares not only the feature vectors of two cars but also their attributes. A conclusion about the cars' match is only made if both the feature vectors and attributes of the cars coincide. You can use the following attributes for additional analysis: * ``color``: car color, * ``body``: body style, * ``make``: make, * ``model``: model. To enable the additional attribute analysis, set ``True`` in the ``FFSECURITY`` -> ``EXTRA_CAR_MATCHING`` section for the attributes that you want to compare. .. code:: FFSECURITY = { # use additional features for extra confidence when matching cars by emben 'EXTRA_CAR_MATCHING': { 'color': {'enabled': False, 'min_confidence': 0}, 'body': {'enabled': False, 'min_confidence': 0}, 'make': {'enabled': False, 'min_confidence': 0}, 'model': {'enabled': False, 'min_confidence': 0}, }, .. important:: For the attribute analysis to function, the ``description`` model must be enabled in the ``/etc/findface-extraction-api.ini`` and ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration files (see above). .. note:: Enabling the additional attribute analysis reduces the number of false positives. However, the system might miss out on some real matches as well. .. warning:: Do not change the default values of ``min_confidence`` without consulting with our technical experts (support@ntechlab.com). #. Restart the ``findface-security`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-security.service