.. _api_overview: Overview ====================== .. tip:: If after having read this section, you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact our experts by email: support@ntechlab.com. .. rubric:: Authentication All API methods require a simple token-based HTTP Authentication. To authenticate, put the word "Token" and a token, separated by whitespace, into the Authorization HTTP header: ``Authorization: Token 000...`` All requests that fail to provide a valid authentication token will result in an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response. .. rubric:: Parameters Format There are two ways to pass parameters to the API methods: - ``application/json``: parameters are represented by a JSON contained in the body. - ``multipart/form-data``: parameters are encoded into separate parts. This way supports uploading a photo image file in the same request. .. rubric:: Additional Information Standard extraction limits: - Image formats: JPEG, PNG, WEBP - Maximum photo file size: 10 MB - Maximum photo resolution: 6000 pixels on the biggest side - Minimal size of a face: 50x50 pixels Check ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml`` for custom definition.