.. _deploy-vms: Deploy Video Recorder Step-by-Step --------------------------------------------------------------- There are the following ways to deploy Video Recorder: * Automatically during the FindFace Multi deployment from a console installer. See :ref:`installer` for details. * Step-by-step. Recommended in a multi-host environment. This section will guide you through the Video Recorder step-by-step deployment. Follow the instructions below minding the sequence. .. tip:: Be sure to learn the FindFace Multi :ref:`architecture ` first. .. rubric:: In this section: .. contents:: :local: .. _repo-vms: Install APT Repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First of all, install the FindFace apt repository as follows: #. Download the installer file ``findface-*.run``. #. Put the ``.run`` file into some directory on the designated host (for example, ``/home/username``). #. From this directory, make the ``.run`` file executable. .. code:: chmod +x findface-*.run #. Execute the ``.run`` file. .. code:: sudo ./findface-*.run The installer will ask you a few questions and perform several automated checks to ensure that the host meets the system requirements. After filling out each prompt, press :kbd:`Enter`. The questions and answers are the following: #. Q: ``Which product should be installed?`` A: ``1`` .. code:: Which product should be installed? 1. [multi ] FindFace Multi 2. [server ] FindFace Server 3. [video-worker] FindFace Video Worker (default: multi) product> 1 #. Q: ``Please choose installation type:`` A: ``3`` .. code:: - 1 [stand-alone ] Single Server - 2 [multi-worker] Single Server, Multiple video workers - 3 [images ] Don't configure or start anything, just load the images and copy the models - 4 [custom ] Fully customized installation (default: stand-alone) type> 3 #. Q: ``Directory to install into:`` A: Specify the FindFace Multi installation directory. By default, it's ``/opt/findface-multi``. Press :kbd:`Enter` to confirm it. Otherwise, specify the directory of your choice and press :kbd:`Enter`. .. code:: Directory to install into: (default: /opt/findface-multi) dest_dir> #. Q: ``Select models to install. Note that you will need to accordingly edit extraction-api and tntapi configuration files. At least one of recognition models has to be enabled.`` A: By default, all neural network models are subject to installation. You can leave it as is by entering ``done``, or select specific models. To do so, deselect all those on the list by entering ``-*`` in the command line, then select the required models by entering their sequence numbers (keyword): for example, ``1 3 4``. Enter ``done`` to save your selection and proceed to another step. If FindFace Multi is deployed earlier, the models do not need to be installed. .. code:: Select models to install. Note that you will need to accordingly edit extraction-api and tntapi configuration files. At least one of recognition models has to be enabled. - 1 [ ] ./models/carattr/carattr.categories.v0.cpu.fnk ... - 91 [ ] ./models/pedrec/pedrec.clio.gpu.fnk Enter keyword to select matching choices or -keyword to clear selection. Enter "done" to save your selection and proceed to another step. findface-data.models> done After that, the FindFace apt repository will be automatically installed. Install Main Components ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install the Video Recorder components, do the following: #. Open the ``/opt/findface-multi/docker-compose.yaml`` configuration file. Add the ``findface-video-storage`` and ``findface-video-streamer`` services. .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/docker-compose.yaml ... findface-video-storage: command: [--config=/etc/findface-video-storage.conf] depends_on: [mongodb] image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/universe/video-storage:ffserver-9.230407.1 network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-video-storage/findface-video-storage.yaml:/etc/findface-video-storage.conf:ro'] findface-video-streamer: command: [--config=/etc/findface-video-streamer-cpu.ini] depends_on: [findface-ntls, mongodb] image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/universe/video-streamer-cpu:ffserver-9.230407.1 network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-video-streamer/findface-video-streamer.yaml:/etc/findface-video-streamer-cpu.ini:ro', './cache/findface-video-streamer:/var/cache/findface/video-streamer'] #. Create directories. .. code:: sudo mkdir -p /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-storage/ /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-streamer/ #. Create a configuration file ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-storage/findface-video-storage.yaml`` and add the following: .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-storage/findface-video-storage.yaml listen: :18611 debug: false external-address: http://ip_address:18611/ streamer: endpoints: - chunk-storage: type: webdav webdav: timeouts: connect: 5s response_header: 30s overall: 35s idle_connection: 10s max-idle-conns-per-host: 20 keepalive: 24h0m0s trace: false upload-url: s3: endpoint: '' bucket-name: '' access-key: '' secret-access-key: '' secure: true region: '' public-url: '' operation-timeout: 30 localfs: directory: '' meta-storage: mongo-uri: mongodb:// database: video-storage timings: connect: 3s .. note:: ```` in the section ``external-address`` must be substituted into your ip address for FindFace Multi. #. Create a configuration file ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-streamer/findface-video-streamer.yaml`` and add the following: .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-streamer/findface-video-streamer.yaml streamer: port: 9000 max_backpressure: 33554432 io_buffer_size: 524288 video_storage: url: timeout: 6 cache: dir: /var/cache/findface/video-streamer #. Start FindFace Multi containers: .. code:: cd /opt/findface-multi/ docker-compose up -d Video Recorder is now successfully deployed. To configure Video Recorder after the deployment, follow :ref:`these instructions `.