.. _api_detect: Detect objects on a photo ============================= To detect objects on a photo, use this method: .. code:: POST /detect The REQUEST BODY is required and contains multipart/form-data with the following parameters. .. _request_parameters: +-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Schema | Description | +=========================+=====================+================================================+ | ``photo`` | binary | Source image file. | +-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | ``attributes`` | object | Attributes of ``face``, ``car`` and ``body``. | +-------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------------------------+ ``attributes`` might be empty or contain the objects of ``face``, ``car`` and ``body`` with the following parameters for each one: * age: boolean * beard: boolean * emotions: boolean * glasses: boolean * gender: boolean * medmask: boolean * headpose: boolean Attach a source image file and send the ``POST`` request. .. rubric:: CURL example .. code:: curl -X POST "http:///detect" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Language: ru" \ -H "Accept-Language: ru" \ -H "Authorization: Token " \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -F "photo=@Смит_01.png" \ -F "attributes={ "face": { "age": false, "beard": false, "emotions": false, "glasses": false, "gender": false, "medmask": false, "headpose": false }, "car": { "description": false, "license_plate": false, "special_vehicle_type": false, "category": false, "weight_type": false, "orientation": false }, "body": { "color": false, "clothes": false, "bags": false, "protective_equipment": false, "age_gender": false } }" \ If the response is successful (OK: 200), it returns an object that contains the following :ref:`parameters `. :ref:`Example `. .. _detect_response_parameters: .. list-table:: :widths: 14 8 45 :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Schema - Description * - ``orientation*`` - integer - EXIF orientation of the photo. * - ``objects`` - : str┃int┃float┃bool┃object┃array┃null - Returned objects with requested attributes. .. _detect_response_example: .. rubric:: Response example .. code:: { "orientation": 1, "objects": { "face": [ { "id": "cf0mbqev54rqhngnq940", "bbox": { "left": 451, "top": 235, "right": 645, "bottom": 502 }, "detection_score": 0.80645436, "low_quality": false, "features": {} }, { "id": "cf0mbqev54rqhngnq94g", "bbox": { "left": 757, "top": 79, "right": 948, "bottom": 353 }, "detection_score": 0.90099674, "low_quality": false, "features": {} } ] } } In the response you will get ID of the object and the coordinates of bbox of the object (face, car, body). Copy the value of ``id`` of the necessary object to use it for :ref:`adding an object ` to the card or to :ref:`search an object `.