.. _liveness: Enable Face Liveness Detection ====================================== The FindFace Multi face liveness detector tells apart live faces from face representations, such as face images, videos, or masks. The liveness detector estimates face liveness with a certain level of confidence and returns the confidence score along with a binary result ``real/fake``, depending on the pre-defined liveness threshold. The face liveness detector can be automatically enabled and configured during the :ref:`installation `. If you skipped this step, you can manually enable it later, following the instructions below. .. note:: The face liveness detector functions on both GPU- and CPU-acceleration. However, it is much slower on CPU. .. rubric:: In this section: .. contents:: :local: Enable Face Liveness Detector --------------------------------- To enable the face liveness detector, do the following: #. Open the ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml`` configuration file. In the ``liveness`` section, specify the neural network models as shown in the example: .. rubric:: GPU .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml liveness: fnk: /usr/share/findface-data/models/faceattr/faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3.gpu.fnk norm: /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/crop2x.v2_maxsize400.gpu.fnk ... .. rubric:: CPU .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml liveness: fnk: /usr/share/findface-data/models/faceattr/faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3.cpu.fnk norm: /usr/share/findface-data/models/facenorm/crop2x.v2_maxsize400.cpu.fnk ... #. Restart the ``findface-multi-findface-video-worker-1`` container. .. code:: sudo docker container restart findface-multi-findface-video-worker-1 Configure Liveness Threshold -------------------------------- If necessary, you can adjust the liveness threshold in the ``/opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file. The liveness detector will estimate face liveness with a certain level of confidence. Depending on the threshold value, it will return a binary result ``real`` or ``fake``. .. note:: The default value is optimal. Before changing the threshold, we recommend that you seek advice from our experts at support@ntechlab.com. .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py FFSECURITY = { ... # feature specific confidence thresholds 'LIVENESS_THRESHOLD': 0.885, # model: [faceattr.liveness_pacs.v3] ... Restart all FindFace Multi containers. .. code:: cd /opt/findface-multi/ sudo docker-compose restart