Face Identification in Offline Videos

Besides real-time face identification, FindFace Security allows for offline video processing. This functionality has a wide range of possible applications, among which the most common case is face detection and recognition in archived videos.

In this chapter:

Configure Offline Video Processing

By default, video files are processed in a queued mode to prevent event drops due to resource overconsumption. You can modify the default number of simultaneously processed video files. To do so, open the findface-security configuration file and change the MAX_VIDEO_ARCHIVE_JOBS parameter. Please contact our experts prior (support@ntechlab.com) to make sure your resources are enough.

sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py


    # maximum concurrent video manager jobs for video archives processing

Process Video File

To identify faces in an offline video, do the following:

  1. Create a camera group with basic settings.

  2. Assign this camera group to all watch lists that you want to monitor when processing the video.

  3. Create a video in FindFace Security by uploading it from a file or online storage/cloud. To do so, navigate to the Videos tab.

  4. Click +.


  5. Specify the video name.


  6. Specify the video URL in an online storage, or select a video file.

  7. Select the camera group that you have just created.

  8. (Optional) Select a camera to which you want to attribute the face recognition events found in the video.

  9. (Optional) Specify parameters of video processing in the same manner as you do when configuring a camera.

  10. Click Save to upload the video.


  11. Once the video uploaded, click Process to start face identification. To view face identification events, navigate to the Events tab and filter the list of events by the camera group associated with the video.