.. _deploy-models: Neural Network Models Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------- To detect and identify faces and face features (gender, age, emotions, beard, glasses, face mask, and others), ``findface-extraction-api`` uses neural networks. If you have to manually initiate the models installation, use the console installer as follows: #. Execute the prepared ``findface-security-and-server-4.4.run`` file. .. code:: sudo ./findface-security-and-server-4.4.run #. Select the installation type: ``Fully customized installation``. #. Select a FindFace Security component to install: ``findface-data``. To do so, first deselect all the listed components by entering ``-*`` in the command line, then select the required component by entering its sequence number (keyword): ``1``. Enter done to save your selection and proceed to another step. #. In the same manner, select models to install. After that, the installation process will automatically begin. .. note:: You can find installed face recognition models at ``/usr/share/findface-data/models/face/``, face features recognition models at ``/usr/share/findface-data/models/faceattr/``. .. code:: ls /usr/share/findface-data/models/face/ ifruit_160.cpu.fnk ifruit_160.gpu.fnk ifruit_320.cpu.fnk ifruit_320.gpu.fnk ls /usr/share/findface-data/models/faceattr/ age.v1.cpu.fnk beard.v0.cpu.fnk emotions.v1.cpu.fnk gender.v2.cpu.fnk glasses3.v0.cpu.fnk liveness.alleyn.cpu.fnk liveness.v3.cpu.fnk medmask3.v2.cpu.fnk quality.v1.cpu.fnk age.v1.gpu.fnk beard.v0.gpu.fnk emotions.v1.gpu.fnk gender.v2.gpu.fnk glasses3.v0.gpu.fnk liveness.alleyn.gpu.fnk liveness.v3.gpu.fnk medmask3.v2.gpu.fnk quality.v1.gpu.fnk