Configure and Start Video Face Detection
This section will guide you through the fkvideo_detector deployment process. Follow the steps below minding the sequence.
The fkvideo_detector component has to be installed.
In this section:
Specify Video Streams
To specify video streams for face detection, do the following:
Make a copy of the configuration file
. Open the new file for editing.sudo cp /etc/fkvideo.ini /etc/fk_local_config.ini sudo vi /etc/fk_local_config.ini
If you have only one camera, you can add it in the new configuration file.
[General] ; Host settings api-host= ; Put your token here api-token=RczGgVEMizR1njHHQegNH_g9mwGl6-A1 api-port=8000 ; Camera params ; If params doesn't set detector ask cameras list from server by key ; Key for receiving cameras list ;detector-name=detec1 ; Camera ID camid=local ; Stream path ; Example: rtsp:// - network stream; /dev/video0 - webcam; file@FPS:PATH - file with configurable FPS source=rtsp://admin:qwert1234@ ; Maximum cameras detectors-max=20 ; Motion detector scale coefficient for best performance scale=0.3 ; In realtime mode detector posts many frames wih increasing quality ; Else it sends only best frame realtime=1 ; URL that will receive frames request-url=/v1/face/ ; You can add custom head and body params to HTML POST request head= body=mf_selector=all,meta=User Meta ; ; Address of ntls server license-ntls-server=
You can find an example of the configuration file here.
If you have more than one camera, use the Server to store all your cameras. Add your camera to server by POST request v1/camera. For example, add camera to detector=detec1:
curl -H 'Authorization: Token 1234567890qwertyuiop' -F "detector=detec1" -F "url=rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/1" -F "meta=test" http://localhost:8000/v1/camera
{"detector": "detec1", "id": "0e663c00-b945-4676-bb0e-032c1dcf353a", "meta": "test", "url": "rtsp:// user:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/1"}
Now edit your configuration file. For example, detector will connect to server, and get all cameras with detector=detec1
[General] ; Host settings api-host= ; Put your token here api-token=RczGgVEMizR1njHHQegNH_g9mwGl6-A1 api-port=8000 ; Camera params ; If params doesn't set detector ask cameras list from server by key ; Key for receiving cameras list detector-name=detec1 ; Camera ID ;camid= ; Stream path ; Example: rtsp:// - network stream; /dev/video0 - webcam; file@FPS:PATH - file with configurable FPS ;source= ; Maximum cameras detectors-max=20 ; Motion detector scale coefficient for best performance scale=0.3 ; In realtime mode detector posts many frames wih increasing quality ; Else it sends only best frame realtime=1 ; URL that will receive frames request-url=/v1/face/ ; You can add custom head and body params to HTML POST request head= body=mf_selector=all,,meta=UserMeta ; ; Address of ntls server license-ntls-server=
You can find an example of the configuration file here.
Start Component as Application
To start fkvideo_detector as an application, execute:
fkvideo_detector -c /etc/fk_local_config.ini
Use this method for testing purposes.
Start Component as Service
To run the face detection component as a service, do the following:
Execute the following command:
sudo service fkvideo_detector@fk_local_config start
Check service status. The command will return a service description, a status should be active (running).
sudo service fkvideo_detector@fk_local_config status
You can get the list of your cameras by the following request:
curl -H 'Authorization: Token 1234567890qwertyuiop' http://localhost:8000/v1/camera | jq