STEP 5. FindFace Lite installation ======================================= .. _step5: Installation ------------- 1. Change the :term:`FindFace Lite installer` file mode to *executive* using the command below: .. code-block:: bash chmod +x fflite-{cpu|gpu}-master-g{git_hash}.run Where :code:`fflite-{cpu|gpu}-master-g{git_hash}.run` is the FindFace Lite installer name. 2. Run the installer file: .. code-block:: bash sudo ./fflite-{cpu|gpu}-master-g{git_hash}.run 3. Installer interface will be opened within the command line. Press **[Next]**. .. image:: /images/screen1.png :scale: 40% 4. Wait until the validator checks the software settings and press **[Next]**. .. image:: /images/screen2.png :scale: 40% 5. After a status check, the installer will start components installation. Wait until installation will be completed and press **Enter**. .. image:: /images/screen3.png :scale: 40% 6. You will see your personal authorization information. .. warning:: Save the displayed information for future use. .. image:: /images/screen4.png :scale: 50% 7. Installation is finished. Press **[Exit]** button, the path to the log file of installation will be displayed. In this log file you can find the credentials to the FindFace Lite. When the installation is finished ------------------------------------ Try FindFace Lite service using API and UI: * API is located on :code:`http:///api-docs`. You can also check the description of :ref:`API functionality and a guide how to use interactive API documentation `. .. image:: /images/api.png :scale: 20% * UI URL address is located on :code:`http://`. .. image:: /images/UI.png :scale: 30%