Allocate video-worker to Video Stream Source

In a distributed architecture, it is often necessary that video streams be processed in situ, without being redistributed across remote video-worker instances by the principal server.


Among typical use cases are hotel chains, chain stores, several security checkpoints in the same building, etc.

In this case, allocate the local video-worker to the video stream source.

There are two ways to specify allocation labels:

  • by video-worker.yaml configuration file

  • by environment variable or flag.


Use the same name of labels in the video-worker configuration file and in the video processing job, otherwise video stream source will not process.

Do the following:

  1. Open the /opt/ffserver/configs/video-worker.yaml configuration file and specify the allocation labels in the dictionary format (label district in the example below).

    sudo vi /opt/ffserver/configs/video-worker.yaml
    labels: {"district": "SVAO"}
  2. As an alternative way, you can use environment variable CFG_LABELS or --labels flag when running video-worker with docker run command:

  3. Create a video processing job with labels.

    "labels": {
          "district": "SVAO"


If a video stream source is assigned an allocation label, its video stream can be processed by a video-worker instance with the same label, as well as by all unlabeled video-worker instances.


If a labeled video stream source is processed by an unlabeled video-worker instance and a free similar-labeled instance appears, the video stream source won’t automatically switch to the latter. Restart the similar-labeled video stream source.