Back Up and Recover FindFace CIBR and Its Data

You can back up FindFace CIBR before uninstalling it to recover the product and its data later on.

In this section:

Back up FindFace CIBR

To back up your FindFace CIBR instance and its data, run the following commands:

sudo tar -cvzf ~/configs.tar.gz -C /opt/findface-cibr/ configs
sudo tar -cvzf ~/data.tar.gz -C /opt/findface-cibr/ data
sudo cp /opt/findface-cibr/docker-compose.yaml ~/

Recover FindFace CIBR and Its Data

To restore FindFace CIBR and its data from the backup, do the following:

  1. Download the installer file findface-*.run.

  2. Put the .run file into some directory on the designated host (for example, /home/username).

  3. From this directory, make the .run file executable.


    Be sure to specify the actual file name instead of findface-*.

    chmod +x findface-*.run
  4. Execute the .run file.

    sudo ./findface-*.run
  5. Go through the installation process as described here.

  6. After you have finished the installation, to restore FindFace CIBR, its data and configuration files, stop all FindFace CIBR containers.

    cd /opt/findface-cibr
    sudo docker-compose stop
  7. Remove new configuration files and data generated and created by the installer and restore them from the backup.


    Compare your old ~/docker-compose.yaml file that you have copied during the backup process against the new one /opt/findface-cibr/docker-compose.yaml. You may need to apply changes to the old ~/docker-compose.yaml file if you previously configured it to bring or exclude services or made any other changes. You must be fully aware of what you are doing by replacing the new docker-compose.yaml file with the old one.

    sudo rm -r /opt/findface-cibr/configs/*
    sudo tar -xvf ~/configs.tar.gz -C /opt/findface-cibr/
    sudo rm -r /opt/findface-cibr/data/*
    sudo tar -xvf ~/data.tar.gz -C /opt/findface-cibr/
    sudo cp ~/docker-compose.yaml /opt/findface-cibr/
  8. Restart FindFace CIBR containers.

    cd /opt/findface-cibr
    sudo docker-compose up -d