Fully Customized Installation

The FindFace CIBR developer-friendly installer provides you with a few installation options, including the fully customized installation. This option is mostly used when deploying FindFace CIBR in a highly distributed environment and requires a high level of knowledge and experience.

To initiate the fully customized installation, do the following:

  1. Download the installer file findface-*.run.

  2. Put the .run file into some directory on the designated host (for example, /home/username).

  3. From this directory, make the .run file executable.


    Be sure to specify the actual file name instead of findface-*.

    chmod +x findface-*.run
  4. Execute the .run file.

    sudo ./findface-*.run

    The installer will ask you a few questions and perform several automated checks to ensure that the host meets the system requirements. After filling out each prompt, press Enter. The questions and answers are the following:

    1. Q: Which product should be installed?

      A: 1

      Which product should be installed?
      -  1 [cibr    ]  FindFace CIBR
      -  2 [video-worker]  FindFace Video Worker
      (default: cibr)
      product> 1
    2. Q: Please choose installation type:

      A: 4

      Please choose installation type:
      -  1 [stand-alone ]  Single Server
      -  2 [multi-worker]  Single Server, Multiple video workers
      -  3 [images      ]  Don't configure or start anything, just load the images and copy the models
      -  4 [custom      ]  Fully customized installation
      (default: stand-alone)
      type> 4
    3. Q: Directory to install into:

      A: Specify the FindFace CIBR installation directory. The default suggestion is /opt/findface-cibr. Press Enter to confirm it. Otherwise, specify the directory of your choice and press Enter.

      Directory to install into:
      (default: /opt/findface-cibr)
    4. Q: Please enter path to docker-compose binary:

      A: Specify the actual path to the docker-compose binary. The default suggestion is /usr/local/bin/docker-compose and it is the path you get when you install docker-compose during Ubuntu / CentOS / Debian server preparation. Press Enter to confirm it. Otherwise, specify another path and press Enter.

      Please enter path to docker-compose binary
      (default: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose)
    5. Q: Found X interface(s). Which one should we announce as our external address?

      A: Choose the interface that you are going to use as the instance IP address.

      Found 2 interface(s). Which one should we announce as our external address?
      -  1 [lo      ]
      -  2 [ens3    ]
      ext_ip.advertised> 2
    6. Q: Found X interface(s). Which one should we announce as our inter-service communication address?

      A: Choose the interface for inter-service communication.

      Found 2 interface(s). Which one should we announce as our inter-service communication address?
      -  1 [lo      ]
      -  2 [ens3    ]
      inter_ip.advertised> 2
    7. Q: Please select FindFace CIBR components to install:

      A: Choose FindFace CIBR components to install. By default, all components are subject to installation. You can leave it as is by entering done, or select specific components. Whenever you have to make a selection, first, deselect all the listed components by entering -* in the command line, then select required components by entering their sequence number (keyword), for example: 1 7 13, etc. Enter done to save your selection and proceed to another step.


      The pause component hosts a network namespace for other components. We do not recommend excluding it from installation, as this will leave the remaining components without a network namespace.

      If you exclude the pause component intentionally, make sure to edit the /opt/findface-cibr/docker-compose.yaml file and provide a host name for each service in the network_mode parameter.

      Please select FindFace CIBR components to install:
      -  1 [v]  findface-data        - Recognition models
      Enter keyword to select matching choices or -keyword to clear selection.
      Enter "done" to save your selection and proceed to another step.
      components> done
    8. Specific questions related to the selected components: acceleration type, the required number of component instances, neural network models, etc. If you are experiencing a difficulty answering them, try to find an answer in this documentation, or submit your question to support@ntechlab.com.

    9. Q: Please set findface-cibr admin password

      A: Set the Super Administrator (superuser) password.

      Please set findface-cibr admin password
      findface-multi-admin-password> admin

    The installer will pull the FindFace CIBR images from the Ntechlab registry and start the associated services in Docker containers.

  5. Perform the post-deployment procedures.


To install the same configuration of FindFace CIBR on a different host, use the automatic deployment from the installation file. In this case, you won’t have to answer the installation questions again. The exact path to the installation file is displayed right after the last question, before the installer starts active progress:

[I 2023-10-29 14:19:27,189 main:142] Your answers were saved to /tmp/findface-installer-8upq3abq.json

Be sure to remove fields *.config, exp_ip, and int_ip before installing FindFace CIBR on a host with a different IP address.

To launch the automatic deployment from the /tmp/<findface-installer-*>.json file, execute:

sudo ./<findface-*>.run -f /tmp/<findface-installer-*>.json