.. _migrate: Migrate Face Data to Different Neural Network Model ======================================================= .. tip:: Do not hesitate to contact our experts on migration by support@ntechlab.com. Sometimes you have to migrate the face biometric data to another neural network model, such as when you decide to update to the latest version of the product that uses a different set of neural networks. To migrate to a different neural network model, do the following: #. Create a backup of the Tarantool-based biometric database in any directory of your choice, for example, ``/etc/findface_dump``. .. tip:: See :ref:`backup-restore` for details. .. code:: mkdir -p /etc/findface_dump cd /etc/findface_dump sudo findface-storage-api-dump -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini #. Stop the ``findface-sf-api`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl stop findface-sf-api.service #. Create new shards that will host regenerated biometric samples. #. Open the ``/etc/tarantool/instances.available/`` directory and find out the number of shards by counting the number of configuration files ``shard-*.lua``. .. note:: There are four shards in the example below. .. code:: cd /etc/tarantool/instances.available/ ls -l shard-001.lua shard-002.lua shard-003.lua shard-004.lua #. Create the same number of new shards by copying the configuration files ``shard-*.lua``. .. note:: For convenience, the second digit in the new names is ``1``: ``shard-01*.lua``. .. code:: sudo cp shard-001.lua shard-011.lua sudo cp shard-002.lua shard-012.lua sudo cp shard-003.lua shard-013.lua sudo cp shard-004.lua shard-014.lua #. Modify the following lines in each new shard's configuration file, depending on its name (``shard-011``, ``shard-012``, etc., in our example): +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Old value | New value | +================================================================+================================================================+ | listen = '' | Listen = '' | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | vinyl_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001' | vinyl_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-011' | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | work_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001' | work_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-011' | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | memtx_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001/snapshots' | memtx_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-011/snapshots' | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | wal_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-001/xlogs' | wal_dir = '/opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-011/xlogs' | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | FindFace.start("", 8101, { | FindFace.start("", 8111, { | +----------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ #. Create symbolic links to the new shards. .. code:: cd /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/ sudo ln -s /etc/tarantool/instances.available/shard-01*.lua /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/ #. Create directories that will host files of the new shards. Assign permissions for the created directories. .. code:: cd /opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/ mkdir -p shard-01{1..4}/{index,snapshots,xlogs} chown tarantool:tarantool shard-01* shard-01*/* #. Open the ``/etc/findface-extraction-api.ini`` configuration file and replace the old neural network model with the new one (``jackfruit_480.cpu.fnk`` in the example). .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-extraction-api.ini face: face/ifruit_320.cpu.fnk -> face: face/jackfruit_480.cpu.fnk Restart the ``findface-extraction-api`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-extraction-api.service #. Start the new shards. .. code:: for i in {11..14}; do sudo systemctl start tarantool@shard-0$i; done #. Create a configuration file with migration settings ```` based on the example below. .. code:: extraction-api: timeouts: connect: 5s response_header: 30s overall: 35s idle_connection: 0s extraction-api: storage-api-from: # current location of the gallery timeouts: connect: 5s response_header: 30s overall: 35s idle_connection: 10s max-idle-conns-per-host: 20 shards: - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" storage-api-to: timeouts: connect: 5s response_header: 30s overall: 35s idle_connection: 10s max-idle-conns-per-host: 20 shards: - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" workers_num: 3 faces_limit: 100 extraction_batch_size: 8 normalized_storage: type: webdav enabled: True webdav: upload-url: s3: endpoint: "" bucket-name: "" access-key: "" secret-access-key: "" secure: False region: "" public-url: "" operation-timeout: 30 In the ``storage-api-from`` section, specify the old shards to migrate the data from. .. code:: storage-api-from: # current location of the gallery ... shards: - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: ... In the ``storage-api-to`` section, specify the new shards that will host migrated data. .. code:: storage-api-to: ... shards: - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" ... #. Launch the ``findface-sf-api-migrate`` utility with the ``-config`` option and provide the ```` configuration file. .. code:: findface-sf-api-migrate -config migration.ini .. note:: The migration process can take up a significant amount of time if there are many events and dossiers in the system. #. After the migration is complete, stop the old shards and disable their autostart in OS (do not remove them). .. code:: for i in {01..04}; do sudo systemctl stop tarantool@shard-0$i.service ; done for i in {01..04}; do sudo systemctl disable tarantool@shard-0$i.service ; done #. Open the ``/etc/findface-sf-api.ini`` configuration file and adjust the shards ports, subject to the new shards settings. Restart the ``findface-sf-api`` service. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-sf-api.ini shards: - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" - master: slave: "" sudo systemctl start findface-sf-api.service #. Import the new database structure from the ``tnt_schema.lua`` file. .. code:: sudo findface-security make_tnt_schema | sudo tee /etc/findface-security/tnt_schema.lua .. seealso:: :ref:`modify-schema`. #. Migrate the main database architecture from FindFace to :program:`PostgreSQL`, re-create user groups with :ref:`predefined ` rights, and the first user with administrator rights. .. code:: sudo findface-security migrate sudo findface-security create_groups sudo findface-security create_default_user #. Restart the services. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart findface-security.service sudo systemctl restart findface-extraction-api findface-video-worker* findface-video-manager findface-sf-api