Dossier Face Custom Metadata in Tarantool

It is often necessary to assign additional metadata to the dossier faces in your Tarantool-based biometric database.

See also

To create dossier custom tabs, fields, and filters in the web interface, see Dossier Custom Tabs, Fields, and Filters.

To set the face custom metadata, do the following:

  1. Prepare the list of custom meta fields you want to assign to a dossier face in Tarantool.

  2. Open the /etc/findface-security/ configuration file.

    sudo vi /etc/findface-security/
  3. Into the FFSECURITY section, uncomment the CUSTOM_FIELDS -> dossier_face section and modify the exemplary content, considering the following:

    • field_name: field name;

    • type: data type;

    • default: field default value. If a default value exceeds ‘1e14 – 1’, use a string data type to specify it, for example, "123123.." instead of 123123...

            'dossier_face': {
                'items': [
                        "field_name": "tag_name_1",
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "change_me"
                        "field_name": "tag_name_2",
                        "type": "uint",
                        "default": 123
                        "field_name": "tag_name_3",
                        "type": "bool",
                        "default": True
  4. Add the new meta fields to the Tarantool database structure.

  5. You can work with the new meta fields through HTTP API using the dossier-faces methods.