.. _logs: Logging ===================================== Consulting logs is one of the first things you should do to identify a cause of a problem. By default, the FindFace CIBR processes are logged to `Docker container logs `__, which can be accessed via the ``docker logs`` and ``docker service logs`` commands. In addition, Docker uses the `json-file logging driver `__, which caches container logs in JSON. You can configure Docker to use another logging driver, choosing from the `multiple logging mechanisms available `__. This section describes how to set up Docker to use the ``journald`` logging driver, which sends container logs to the ``systemd`` journal. In this case, log entries are retrieved using the ``journalctl`` command, through the ``journal API``, or the ``docker logs`` command. You can configure the ``systemd`` journal as well by using the instructions below. .. rubric:: In this section: .. contents:: :local: Configure Journald ----------------------------------------- To configure the ``systemd-journal`` service, do the following: #. Check whether the ``/var/log/journal`` directory already exists. If not, create it by executing the following command: .. code:: sudo mkdir /var/log/journal sudo chmod 2755 /var/log/journal #. Open the ``/etc/systemd/journald.conf`` configuration file. Enable saving ``journald`` logs to your hard drive by uncommenting the ``Storage`` parameter and changing its value to ``persistent``. Disable filtering in ``systemd-journal`` as well: .. code:: sudo vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf [Journal] ... Storage=persistent ... RateLimitInterval=0 RateLimitBurst=0 ... If necessary, uncomment and edit the ``SystemMaxUse`` parameter. This parameter determines the maximum volume of log files on your hard drive. Specify its value in bytes or use K, M, G, T, P, E as units for the specified size (equal to :math:`1024`, :math:`1024^2`, ... bytes). .. code:: ... SystemMaxUse=3G #. Restart the ``journald`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald.serviceĀ  Enabling Journald Logging Driver ------------------------------------- To enable Docker to use the ``journald`` logging driver, do the following: #. Add the following line to the ``/etc/docker/daemon.json`` configuration file. .. tip:: This file may not be present on your system. Check whether it exists and if it does not, create the ``/etc/docker`` directory first and then the file. .. code:: sudo mkdir /etc/docker sudo touch /etc/docker/daemon.json .. code:: sudo vi /etc/docker/daemon.json { "log-driver": "journald" } #. Stop all Docker containers. .. code:: sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -a -q) #. Restart the Docker service. .. code:: sudo systemctl restart docker #. Start all Docker containers. .. code:: sudo docker start $(sudo docker ps -a -q) Consult Logs ----------------------------- Use any convenient method to work with the ``journald`` logs. The following commands are a good place to start: * Display all logs: .. code:: journalctl -fa * Display logs by container ID: .. code:: journalctl CONTAINER_ID= -f * Display logs by container name: .. code:: journalctl CONTAINER_NAME= -f .. seealso:: :ref:`audit-logs`