.. _ntls: Troubleshoot Licensing and ``findface-ntls`` ==================================================== When troubleshooting licensing and ``findface-ntls`` (see :ref:`licensing-principles`), the first step is to retrieve the licensing information and ``findface-ntls`` status. You can do so by sending an API request to ``findface-ntls``. Necessary actions are then to be undertaken, subject to the response content. .. tip:: Please do not hesitate to contact our experts on troubleshooting by support@ntechlab.com. .. note:: The online licensing is done via the NtechLab Global License Manager ``license.ntechlab.com``. Check its availability. A stable internet connection and DNS are required. To retrieve the FindFace CIBR :ref:`licensing ` information and ``findface-ntls`` status, execute on the ``findface-ntls`` host console: .. code:: curl http://localhost:3185/license.json -s | jq The response will be given in JSON. One of the most significant parameters is ``last_updated``. It indicates in seconds how long ago the local license has been checked for the last time. Interpret the ``last_updated`` value as follows: * [0, 5] — everything is alright. * (5, 30] — there may be some problems with connection, or with the local drive where the license file is stored. * (30; 120] — almost certainly something bad happened. * (120; ∞) — the licensing source response has been timed out. Take action. * ``"valid" -> "value": false``: connection with the licensing source was never established. .. code:: curl http://localhost:3185/license.json -s | jq { "name": "NTLS", "time": 1565186356, "type": "online", "license_id": "61063ce4b86945e1b70c3bdbedea453b", "generated": 1514467939, "last_updated": 5, "valid": { "value": true, "description": "" }, "source": "/opt/ntech/license/import_b68d7b7ec9a7310d18832035318cff0c9ddf11e3a9ab0ae962fbe48645e196d1.lic", "limits": [ { "type": "time", "name": "end", "value": 1609161621 }, { "type": "number", "name": "faces", "value": 9007199254740991, "current": 0 }, { "type": "number", "name": "cameras", "value": 4294967295, "current": 0 }, { "type": "number", "name": "extraction_api", "value": 256, "current": 0 }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "gender", "value": true }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "age", "value": true }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "emotions", "value": true }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "fast-index", "value": true }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "sec-genetec", "value": false }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "beard", "value": false }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "glasses", "value": false }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "liveness", "value": false } ], "services": [ { "name": "video-worker", "ip": "" }, { "name": "FindFace-tarantool", "ip": "" }, { "name": "FindFace-tarantool", "ip": "" } ] }