.. _update: Update to FindFace CIBR 2.1.1 ============================================= .. _update_ffcibr_1.3_2.1.1: .. important:: If you have changed the neural network model in FindFace CIBR 1.3, and this neural network model is not included in FindFace CIBR 2.1.1, then it is needed to change it back before upgrading to FindFace CIBR 2.1.1. To update FindFace CIBR 1.3 to FindFace CIBR 2.1.1, do the following: #. Create a backup copy of the old schema of the Tarantool-based feature vector database: .. code:: sudo cp /etc/findface-security/tnt_schema.lua /etc/findface-security/old_tnt_schema.lua Starting from version 2.1.1, one of the most significant differences between FindFace CIBR and earlier versions of the product is the structure of the Tarantool biometric database (so called meta-schema). The new structure is created as a set of spaces, while in previous versions of the product there was only one space by default in the structure of the Tarantool-based database. #. Open the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. Save the values of the following parameters for later use: ``EXTERNAL_ADDRESS``, ``SECRET_KEY``, ``VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN``, ``ROUTER_URL``, ``CUSTOM_FIELDS``. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = "" ... # use pwgen -sncy 50 1|tr "'" "." to generate your own unique key SECRET_KEY = 'c8b533847bbf7142102de1349d33a1f6' FFSECURITY = { 'VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN': '381b0f4a20495227d04185ab02f5085f', ... 'ROUTER_URL': '', ... # -- Custom model fields -- # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS -> `human_card` section to customize human card fields. # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS -> `face_object` section to customize face object fields. # Below is an example with every field type possible. # 'CUSTOM_FIELDS': { # 'human_card': { # 'items': [ # { # 'name': 'personid', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'PersonID', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur person ID', # 'editable': False # }, # { # 'name': 'firstname', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'First Name', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur first name', # 'editable': False # }, # { # 'name': 'lastname', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'Last Name', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur last name', # 'editable': False # }, # { # 'name': 'version', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'Version', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur photo version', # 'editable': False # } # ], # 'filters': [ # { # 'name': 'personid', # 'label': 'Sigur person ID filter', # 'field': 'personid' # } # ] # }, # 'face_object': { # 'items': [ # { # "field_name": "tag_name_1", # "type": "string", # "default": "change_me" # }, # { # "field_name": "tag_name_2", # "type": "uint", # "default": 123 # }, # { # "field_name": "tag_name_3", # "type": "bool", # "default": True # }, # ] # } # }, } #. Stop the ``findface-security`` service. .. code:: sudo systemctl stop findface-security.service #. Create a backup of the Tarantool-based feature vector database in any directory of your choice, for example, ``/etc/findface_dump``. .. code:: sudo mkdir -p /etc/findface_dump cd /etc/findface_dump sudo findface-storage-api-dump -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini #. To avoid port conflicts, stop and disable all services before installing a new version. .. note:: There are eight shards in the example below. If it differs with the number of shards in your system, adjust the below command accordingly. E.g., for the system with sixteen shards, replace ``tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service`` with ``tarantool@shard-0{01..16}.service``. Get the list of active shards with the ``ls /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/`` command. You may stop and disable the services one by one: .. code:: sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service sudo systemctl stop postgresql@10-main sudo systemctl stop findface-*.service sudo systemctl stop pgbouncer.service sudo systemctl stop tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service sudo systemctl stop nats-server.service sudo systemctl stop etcd.service sudo systemctl stop mongod.service sudo systemctl stop mongodb.service sudo systemctl stop memcached.service sudo systemctl stop nginx.service sudo systemctl disable postgresql.service sudo systemctl disable postgresql@10-main sudo systemctl disable pgbouncer.service sudo systemctl disable findface-extraction-api.service sudo systemctl disable findface-security.service sudo systemctl disable findface-security-onvif.service sudo systemctl disable findface-sf-api.service sudo systemctl disable findface-ntls.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-manager.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-worker-cpu.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-worker-gpu.service sudo systemctl disable findface-counter.service sudo systemctl disable findface-liveness-api.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-streamer-cpu.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-streamer-gpu.service sudo systemctl disable findface-video-storage.service sudo systemctl disable tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service sudo systemctl disable nats-server.service sudo systemctl disable etcd.service sudo systemctl disable mongod.service sudo systemctl disable mongodb.service sudo systemctl disable memcached.service sudo systemctl disable nginx.service Or you may use the following compact commands instead: .. code:: sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service postgresql@10-main findface-*.service pgbouncer.service tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service nats-server.service etcd.service mongod.service mongodb.service memcached.service nginx.service sudo systemctl disable postgresql.service postgresql@10-main pgbouncer.service findface-extraction-api.service findface-security.service findface-security-onvif.service findface-sf-api.service findface-ntls.service findface-video-manager.service findface-video-worker-cpu.service findface-video-worker-gpu.service findface-counter.service findface-liveness-api.service findface-video-streamer-cpu.service findface-video-streamer-gpu.service findface-video-storage.service tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service nats-server.service etcd.service mongod.service mongodb.service memcached.service nginx.service #. :ref:`Install ` the FindFace CIBR 2.1.1 instance. Don’t forget to prepare a server first: See: * :ref:`deploy-prepare-server` * :ref:`deploy-prepare-centos` * :ref:`deploy-prepare-debian` #. After FindFace CIBR installation, stop all containers from the ``/opt/findface-cibr/`` directory. .. code:: cd /opt/findface-cibr/ sudo docker-compose stop #. Open the ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file and paste saved on step #2 values for the parameters ``EXTERNAL_ADDRESS``, ``SECRET_KEY``, ``VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN``, ``ROUTER_URL``, and ``CUSTOM_FIELDS`` into it. .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py ... # Use pwgen -sncy 50 1|tr "'" "." to generate your own unique key SECRET_KEY = '002231ccb690586f4d33e98322c591bb' ... SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = '' # EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is used to access objects created inside FFSecurity via external links. EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = '' ... # findface-video-worker authorization token 'VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN': '8977e1b0067d43f6c908d0bf60363255', ... # findface-video-worker face posting address, # it must be set to either FFSecurity EXTERNAL_ADDRESS (by default) # or findface-facerouter url (in some specific cases) 'ROUTER_URL': '', #. Open the old version of the ``findface-ntls`` configuration file available at ``/etc/findface-ntls.cfg`` and check it against the new version ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-ntls/findface-ntls.yaml``. Move all the custom parameters from the old version to the new one. Do the same for other components, e.g., for ``findface-extract-api``, check ``/etc/findface-extract-api.ini`` against ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml``, for ``findface-sf-api``, check ``/etc/findface-sf-api.ini`` against ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-sf-api/findface-sf-api.yaml``, etc. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-ntls.cfg sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-ntls/findface-ntls.yaml sudo vi /etc/findface-extraction-api.ini sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml sudo vi /etc/findface-sf-api.ini sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-sf-api/findface-sf-api.yaml .. important:: Follow these rules to transfer parameters from the old configuration file to the new one: * The new version 2.1.1 doesn't support migration of the cluster gallery, so please, use only neural network models that are included in FindFace CIBR 2.1.1. * If a parameter had an empty value in the old configuration file, but has a certain value in the new configuration file, delete its value in the new configuration file. * Keep as is those parameters that were not included in the old configuration file, but are present in the new configuration file. #. Modify the Tarantool database structure by applying the ``tnt_schema.lua`` schema from FindFace CIBR 2.1.1. .. code:: sudo docker run --rm --network host --volume '/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro' docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/legacy:ffcibr-2.1.1 make-tnt-schema | sudo tee /etc/findface-security/tnt_schema.lua #. Purge data from all the directories relevant to active shards. .. code:: sudo rm /opt/ntech/var/lib/tarantool/shard-*/{index,snapshots,xlogs}/* #. Copy the meta-schema of the ``face_clusters_space`` space from the ``old_tnt_schema.lua`` configuration file to the new ``tnt_schema.lua`` configuration file. An easy way to do it is to follow these steps: 12.1. In the new configuration file ``/etc/findface-security/tnt_schema.lua``, replace the following line at the beginning of the file: .. code:: cfg_spaces = { with this one: .. code:: spaces = { 12.2. Copy and add ``face_clusters_space`` space from the ``old_tnt_schema.lua`` old configuration file: .. code:: face_clusters_space = { meta_scheme = { -- .normalized_id: { default = '', field_type = 'string', id = 1, name = 'normalized_id', }, -- .feat: { default = '', field_type = 'string', id = 2, name = 'feat', }, -- .m:nonnormalized_emben: { default = '', field_type = 'string', id = 3, name = 'm:nonnormalized_emben', }, -- .m:case: { default = '0', field_type = 'unsigned', id = 4, name = 'm:case', }, }, meta_indexes = {'m:case'} }, #. Remove the default configuration file ``FindFace.lua``, generated by the ``findface-tarantool-server`` package, as it will block the restart, required on the next step. .. code:: sudo rm -rf /etc/tarantool/instances*/FindFace.lua #. Restart the ``findface-tarantool-server`` shards. .. code:: TNT=$(ls /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/ | cut -c 7,8,9) for i in $TNT; do sudo systemctl restart tarantool@shard-$i.service ; done Upon completion of the above steps, the shards will still keep the old galleries created within the ``default`` space, but new spaces (e.g., ``ffsec_face_case_events``, ``ffsec_face_case_clusters`` and so on) will also become available. #. Restore old data from the backup. The data will be restored as it existed previously: all galleries will stay within the ``default`` space. .. code:: sudo systemctl start findface-ntls.service cd /etc/findface_dump for x in *.json; do sudo findface-storage-api-restore -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini < "$x"; done #. Start old services ``findface-sf-api.service``, ``nginx.service``, they will be required during postgresql migration. .. code:: sudo systemctl start findface-sf-api.service sudo systemctl start nginx.service #. Perform PostgreSQL database migrations for FindFace CIBR 2.1.1 compatibility. Do the following: 17.1. Navigate to the ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file. In the ``DATABASES -> default`` section, temporarily replace ``PASSWORD`` with the old one, used in the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. .. important:: Make sure to write down the password from the ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py`` configuration file. You will need it later. .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS': True, 'NAME': 'ffsecurity', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 5439, 'USER': 'ntech', 'PASSWORD': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' } } 17.2. On the host system, perform the database migration: .. code:: sudo systemctl start postgresql.service sudo systemctl start pgbouncer.service sudo docker run --rm --network host --volume '/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro' docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/legacy:ffcibr-2.1.1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/manage.py migrate 17.3. Back up an existing database with PostgreSQL, installed on the host system. .. code:: cd /opt/findface-cibr/ sudo -u postgres pg_dump --verbose --disable-triggers ffsecurity | sudo tee dump_ffsecurity.sql sudo -u postgres pg_dump -t auth_group -t ffsecurity_adgroupguid -t ffsecurity_deviceblacklistrecord -t ffsecurity_ffsecauthsession -t ffsecurity_grouppermission -t ffsecurity_runtimesetting -t ffsecurity_user -t ffsecurity_user_groups -t ffsecurity_user_user_permissions -t ffsecurity_userkeyvalue -t knox_authtoken -t ffsecurity_watchlistpermission -t ffsecurity_cameragrouppermission -t ffsecurity_casepermission --data-only --verbose --no-acl --no-owner --disable-triggers ffsecurity | sudo tee dump_identity_provider.sql 17.4. Back up role permissions. .. code:: sudo docker run --rm --network host --volume '/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro' docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/legacy:ffcibr-2.1.1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/manage.py dump_permissions | sudo tee permissions.csv 17.5. **Change back the password, replaced in step #17.1** 17.6. Stop all the services. .. code:: sudo systemctl stop findface-sf-api.service nginx.service tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service postgresql.service pgbouncer.service 17.7. Open the ``/opt/findface-cibr/docker-compose.yaml`` file and copy ``POSTGRES_PASSWORD`` value to use it in further commands. 17.8. Recreate the ``ffsecurity`` database to clean it up from the default data. Paste ``{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`` value that you previously copied in step #17.7 into the command below: .. code:: sudo docker-compose up -d postgresql sudo docker exec -it -u postgres findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} dropdb ffsecurity" sudo docker exec -it -u postgres findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} createdb -O ntech --encoding=UTF-8 --lc-collate=C.UTF-8 --lc-ctype=C.UTF-8 --template=template0 ffsecurity" 17.9. Restore data into the recreated ``ffsecurity`` database. Paste ``{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`` value that you previously copied in step #17.7 into the command below: .. code:: sudo docker exec -i findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} psql --username postgres ffsecurity" < dump_ffsecurity.sql 17.10. Recreate the ``ffsecurity_identity_provider`` database to clean it up from the default data. Paste ``{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`` value that you previously copied in step #17.7 into the command below: .. code:: sudo docker exec -it -u postgres findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} dropdb ffsecurity_identity_provider" sudo docker exec -it -u postgres findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} createdb -O ntech --encoding=UTF-8 --lc-collate=C.UTF-8 --lc-ctype=C.UTF-8 --template=template0 ffsecurity_identity_provider" 17.11. Run migration. .. code:: sudo docker-compose up -d pgbouncer sudo docker run --rm --network host --volume '/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-identity-provider/findface-multi-identity-provider.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro' docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/identity-provider:ffcibr-2.1.1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/manage.py migrate 17.12. Restore data into the recreated ``ffsecurity_identity_provider`` database. Paste ``{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`` value that you previously copied in step #17.7 into the command below: .. code:: sudo docker exec -i findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} psql --username postgres ffsecurity_identity_provider" < dump_identity_provider.sql 17.13. Start all the services. .. code:: sudo docker-compose up -d 17.14. Run the command to create records in the outbox table for watch lists, camera groups, and cases. Paste ``{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}`` value that you previously copied in step #17.7 into the command below: .. code:: sudo docker exec -i findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} pg_dump --username postgres -f permissions.sql -t ffsecurity_cameragrouppermission -t ffsecurity_watchlistpermission -t ffsecurity_casepermission --data-only ffsecurity_identity_provider" sudo docker run --rm --network host --volume '/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro' docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/legacy:ffcibr-2.1.1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/manage.py export_to_outbox --watchlists --cameragroups --cases sudo docker exec -i findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} psql --username postgres -c 'TRUNCATE ffsecurity_cameragrouppermission, ffsecurity_watchlistpermission, ffsecurity_casepermission RESTART IDENTITY;' ffsecurity_identity_provider" sudo docker exec -i findface-cibr-postgresql-1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD={POSTGRES_PASSWORD} psql --username postgres ffsecurity_identity_provider < permissions.sql" 17.15. Before you restore role permissions into the ``identity_provider`` service, examine the ``/opt/findface-cibr/permissions.csv`` file. Make sure to replace ``*_ffsecauthtoken`` with ``*_authtoken`` if any. This is mostly applicable to those cases when FindFace CIBR 1.3 installation was an upgrade from earlier versions of the product. After that, restore role permissions into the ``identity_provider`` service. .. code:: sudo docker run --rm --network host -v /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-identity-provider/findface-multi-identity-provider.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro -v $(pwd)/permissions.csv:/var/permissions.csv:ro docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/identity-provider:ffcibr-2.1.1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/manage.py load_permissions /var/permissions.csv 17.16. Copy full frame photos, normalized images, and the license file. Copy files from the ``/opt/ntech/license/`` folder into the ``/opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-ntls/`` folder, from the ``/var/lib/findface-security/uploads/`` folder into the ``/opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-multi-legacy/uploads/`` folder, from the ``/var/lib/ffupload/uploads/`` folder into the ``/opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-upload/uploads/`` folder. .. code:: sudo cp -r /opt/ntech/license/* /opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-ntls/ sudo cp -r /var/lib/findface-security/uploads/* /opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-multi-legacy/uploads/ sudo cp -r /var/lib/ffupload/uploads/* /opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-upload/uploads/ sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-upload/uploads/ sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /opt/findface-cibr/data/findface-upload/uploads/* Alternatively, the above folders can be directly mounted into the relevant docker containers via the ``docker-compose.yaml`` file, like in the example below: .. code:: sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/docker-compose.yaml findface-upload: image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/universe/upload:ffserver-9.230407.1 logging: {driver: journald} network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-upload/40-ffupload.sh:/docker-entrypoint.d/40-ffupload.sh:ro', '/var/lib/ffupload:/var/lib/ffupload'] findface-multi-identity-provider: depends_on: [pgbouncer, nats, findface-sf-api, findface-liveness-api, etcd] environment: {ADMIN_PASSWORD: } image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/identity-provider:ffcibr-2.1.1 logging: {driver: journald} network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-multi-identity-provider/findface-multi-identity-provider.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro', '/var/lib/findface-security/uploads:/var/lib/findface-security/uploads'] findface-multi-legacy: depends_on: [pgbouncer, nats, findface-sf-api, findface-counter, findface-liveness-api, etcd] environment: {ADMIN_PASSWORD: } image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/legacy:ffcibr-2.1.1 logging: {driver: journald} network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py:/etc/findface-security/config.py:ro', '/var/lib/findface-security/uploads:/var/lib/findface-security/uploads'] findface-multi-ui: depends_on: [findface-multi-legacy] image: docker.int.ntl/ntech/multi/multi/ui:ffcibr-2.1.1 logging: {driver: journald} network_mode: service:pause restart: always volumes: ['./configs/findface-multi-ui/nginx-site.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro', '/var/lib/findface-security/uploads:/var/lib/findface-security/uploads'] 17.17. To move Tarantool data, do the following: Stop all FindFace CIBR containers: .. code:: sudo docker-compose down Start the old shards and the ``findface-sf-api`` service again: .. code:: sudo systemctl start tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service findface-sf-api.service Create a new backup of the feature vector database: .. code:: sudo mkdir -p /etc/findface_dump_final sudo findface-storage-api-dump -output-dir=/etc/findface_dump_final -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini Stop the rest of the services, clear the ``instances.enabled`` directory, start the containers again, and perform the storage-api-restore operation: .. code:: sudo systemctl stop tarantool@shard-00{1..8}.service findface-sf-api.service findface-ntls.service sudo rm /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled/* sudo docker-compose up -d sudo findface-storage-api-restore -config /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-sf-api/findface-sf-api.yaml /etc/findface_dump_final/*.json The update has been completed. The new version includes new :ref:`neural network models `, but the migration of feature vectors to a different neural network model is not required. You can use old neural network models by moving them from the ``/usr/share/findface-data/models/`` directory to the ``/opt/findface-cibr/models/`` directory, specifying them in the ``/opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-extraction-api/findface-extraction-api.yaml`` file, if they are included in FindFace CIBR 2.1.1. Note that face detection models in FindFace CIBR 1.3 are stored in the ``/usr/share/findface-data/models/facedet/`` directory. In FindFace CIBR 2.1.1 all face detection models can be found in the ``/opt/findface-cibr/models/detector/`` directory. When moving old neural network models from the ``/usr/share/findface-data/models/`` directory to the ``/opt/findface-cibr/models/`` directory, make sure to place all face detection models (``facedet``) to the ``/opt/findface-cibr/models/detector/`` directory. See for reference: .. code:: $ ls -lash /usr/share/findface-data/models total 52K 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 15 14:48 face 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 15 14:48 faceattr 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 15 14:48 facedet 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 15 14:48 facenorm $ ls -lash /opt/findface-cibr/models/ total 44K 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 17 16:20 detector 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 17 16:24 face 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 17 16:24 faceattr 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Jul 17 13:37 facenorm .. important:: We highly recommend disabling the Ubuntu automatic update to preserve the FindFace CIBR compatibility with the installation environment. In this case, you will be able to update your OS manually, fully controlling which packages to update. To disable the Ubuntu automatic update, execute the following commands: .. code:: sudo apt-get remove unattended-upgrades sudo systemctl stop apt-daily.timer sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.timer sudo systemctl disable apt-daily.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload