.. _wui: Web Interface Basics ======================================================== Use the web interface to interact with FindFace CIBR. To open the web interface, enter its basic address in the address bar of your browser, and log in. .. note:: The basic address is set during :ref:`deployment `. .. important:: To log in for the first time, use the admin account created during :ref:`deployment `. To create more users, refer to :ref:`Role and User Management `. Navigation ------------------------------ There is a different number of items in the navigation bar depending on the user's role. |wui_navigation_bar_en| .. |wui_navigation_bar_en| image:: /_static/wui_navigation_bar_en.png :scale: 75% .. |wui_navigation_bar_ru| image:: /_static/wui_navigation_bar_ru.png :scale: 75% Web Interface Language and Theme ----------------------------------------------------------- To change the system language and a theme, click |wui_language_theme_en| on a top panel. .. |wui_language_theme_en| image:: /_static/wui_language_theme_en.png :scale: 60% |wui_top_panel_en| .. |wui_top_panel_en| image:: /_static/wui_top_panel_en.png :scale: 72% .. |wui_top_panel_ru| image:: /_static/wui_top_panel_ru.png :scale: 72%