.. _security-config: ``findface-security`` --------------------------------- The ``findface-security`` component serves as a gateway to the FindFace core. It provides interaction between the FindFace Core and the web interface, the system functioning as a whole, HTTP and web socket (along with Django), database update, and :ref:`webhooks `. The ``findface-security`` component also performs the functions of ``findface-facerouter`` (part of the FindFace Core), setting processing directives for detected faces. It accepts a face bbox and normalized image along with the original image and other data (for example, the detection date and time) from the ``findface-video-worker`` service and redirect them to ``findface-sf-api`` for further processing. The ``findface-security`` configuration is done through the ``/etc/findface-security/config.py`` configuration file. .. code:: sudo vi /etc/findface-security/config.py # ============================================================================== # FindFace Security configuration file # ============================================================================== # # This config file is written in Python's syntax and interpreted at FindFace Security # service startup. You have to restart the service in order to apply changes. # # If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at support@ntechlab.com # ============================================================================== # GENERAL SETTINGS # ============================================================================== # enables additional logs DEBUG = False # media files directory MEDIA_ROOT = "/var/lib/findface-security/uploads" # static files directory STATIC_ROOT = "/var/lib/findface-security/static" # language code LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' # time zone TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # Database is used by FindFace Security to store cameras, # camera groups, watchlists and so on. Only PostgreSQL is supported. DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'DISABLE_SERVER_SIDE_CURSORS': True, 'NAME': 'ffsecurity', 'PORT': 5439, 'USER': 'ntech', 'PASSWORD': 'ZnUqeWKMzT6T2Bj2G4gbFn7cxRSMcxS7' } } # Signature key for session encryption # Use pwgen -sncy 50 1|tr "'" "." to generate your own unique key SECRET_KEY = '8b26839acde2633362bdb176e741a650' # ============================================================================== # FINDFACE SECURITY SETTINGS # ============================================================================== # SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is prioritized for FFSecurity webhooks and Genetec plugin. # EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is used instead if SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is not provided. # You must provide either SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS or EXTERNAL_ADDRESS in order # to be able to work with FFSecurity webhooks and Genetec plugin. SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = '' # EXTERNAL_ADDRESS is used to access objects created inside FFSecurity via external links. EXTERNAL_ADDRESS = '' # - Base FFSecurity settings - # enable permissions system ENABLE_ACL = True FFSECURITY = { # findface-video-worker authorization token 'VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN': '3243a92b03c3411d4faa3cdd72f967b6', # base face matching confidence threshold 'CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD': 0.745, # episodes specific matching threshold that is used to join faces in an episode 'EPISODES_THRESHOLD': 0.689, # minimum face quality sufficient to add it to a dossier 'MINIMUM_DOSSIER_QUALITY': 0.45, # do not save unmatched events (GDPR support) 'IGNORE_UNMATCHED': False, # blur all unmatched faces on the full frame of the matched event (GDPR support) 'BLUR_UNMATCHED_FACES': False, # full frame jpeg quality when `BLUR_UNMATCHED_FACES` is enabled 'BLURRED_FULLFRAME_JPEG_QUALITY': 85, # matched events older than EVENTS_MAX_MATCHED_AGE will be automatically # deleted (every night at 1:17 am by default) 'EVENTS_MAX_MATCHED_AGE': 30, # same as above but for unmatched events 'EVENTS_MAX_UNMATCHED_AGE': 30, # same as EVENTS_MAX_MATCHED_AGE but for matched full frame images only (thumbnails won't be deleted) 'EVENTS_MAX_FULLFRAME_UNMATCHED_AGE': 30, # same as above but for unmatched full frame images only (thumbnails won't be deleted) 'EVENTS_MAX_FULLFRAME_MATCHED_AGE': 30, # same as above but for counter records 'COUNTER_RECORDS_MAX_AGE': 30, # same as above but for person events (if no person events left in person, it is deleted too) 'PERSON_EVENTS_MAX_AGE': 90, # when closing episode, delete all events except the best episode event 'EPISODE_KEEP_ONLY_BEST_EVENT': False, # NTLS licence server url 'NTLS_HTTP_URL': '', # findface-video-worker face posting address, # it must be set to either FFSecurity EXTERNAL_ADDRESS (by default) # or findface-facerouter url (in some specific cases) 'ROUTER_URL': '', # send serialized dossiers, dossier-lists, camera and camera groups in webhooks 'VERBOSE_WEBHOOKS': False, # jpeg quality used when saving thumbnails 'THUMBNAIL_JPEG_QUALITY': 75, # FFServer services urls 'VIDEO_MANAGER_ADDRESS': '', 'SF_API_ADDRESS': '', 'FFCOUNTER_ADDRESS': '', 'LIVENESS_API_ADDRESS': '', # upload video archives to this path, it differs from media root and # you have to change alias in corresponding nginx location also (/videos/) 'VIDEO_ARCHIVE_UPLOAD_PATH': '/var/lib/findface-security/uploads/videos/', # additional events features. # make sure that corresponding extractors # are licensed and enabled at findface-extraction-api config file. # available features are: gender, age, emotions, beard, glasses, medmask. 'EVENTS_FEATURES': [], # feature specific confidence thresholds 'LIVENESS_THRESHOLD': 0.85, 'EMOTIONS_THRESHOLD': 0.25, 'BEARD_THRESHOLD': 0.7, # counters full frame saving options: # `always` - save always # `detect` - save only if faces or silhouettes have been detected # `never` - never save full frames 'COUNTERS_SAVE_FULLFRAME': 'always', 'COUNTERS_FULLFRAME_JPEG_QUALITY': 75, 'COUNTERS_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_QUALITY': 75, # max camera frames_dropped percent 'MAX_CAMERA_DROPPED_FRAMES': {'yellow': 0.1, 'red': 0.3}, # max camera faces_failed percent 'MAX_CAMERA_FAILED_FACES': {'yellow': 0.1, 'red': 0.3}, # -- Persons configuration -- # rrule (recurrence rule) for scheduling persons clusterization # WARNING: all scheduling works with UTC time and NOT aware of any timezone 'PERSONS_CLUSTERIZATION_SCHEDULE': 'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;WKST=MO;BYHOUR=0;BYMINUTE=0', # face to person matching confidence threshold 'PERSONS_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD': 0.745, # minimum required face quality for person creation 'PERSON_EVENT_MIN_QUALITY': 0.45, # minimum required number events in episode for person creation 'PERSON_EVENT_MIN_EPISODE_EVENTS': 1, # maximum concurrent video manager jobs for video archives processing 'MAX_VIDEO_ARCHIVE_JOBS': 3, # reports image saving options 'REPORT_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_QUALITY': 75, 'REPORT_THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT': 100, 'REPORT_FULLFRAME_JPEG_QUALITY': 75, 'REPORT_FULLFRAME_MAX_HEIGHT': 250, # -- Startup tests -- # required services availability test 'SERVICES_AVAILABILITY_TEST': True, # enable saving audit logs to PostgresSQL 'ENABLE_AUDIT_LOGS': True, # -- FFSecurity Onvif -- # auth credentials for ffsecurity_onvif # ONVIF_CREDENTIALS = [ # { # "hostnames": ["", "2a00:1370:8117:ab87:a614:37ff:fe49:2683"], # "login": "admin", # "password": "admin123" # } # ], 'ONVIF_CREDENTIALS': {}, # list of all hostnames that will be ignored during Onvif service discovery # ONVIF_IGNORE_LIST = [""], 'ONVIF_IGNORE_LIST': [], # -- Optional parameters -- # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS->dossier_meta section to customize dossier content. # Below is an example for integration FindFace Security with Sigur. # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS->dossier_face section to customize dossier face content. # Below is an example with every field type possible. # 'CUSTOM_FIELDS': { # 'dossier_meta': { # 'items': [ # { # 'name': 'personid', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'PersonID', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur person ID' # }, # { # 'name': 'firstname', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'First Name', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur first name' # }, # { # 'name': 'lastname', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'Last Name', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur last name' # }, # { # 'name': 'version', # 'default': '', # 'label': 'Version', # 'display': ['list', 'form'], # 'description': 'Sigur photo version' # } # ], # 'filters': [ # { # 'name': 'personid', # 'label': 'Sigur person ID filter', # 'field': 'personid' # } # ] # }, # 'dossier_face': { # 'items': [ # { # "field_name": "tag_name_1", # "type": "string", # "default": "change_me" # }, # { # "field_name": "tag_name_2", # "type": "uint", # "default": 123 # }, # { # "field_name": "tag_name_3", # "type": "bool", # "default": True # }, # ] # } # }, # maximum event age in seconds than could be added to an episode. # 'EPISODE_SEARCH_INTERVAL': 60, # If none of these events matched, new episode is created. # maximum episode duration (episode is closed after) # 'EPISODE_MAX_DURATION': 300, # if no new event added to an episode during this timeout, episode will be closed. # 'EPISODE_EVENT_TIMEOUT': 30, # maximum created thumbnail width # 'THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH': 320, # url of the backend which is used for social network search. # contact support for additional information. # 'SOCIAL_BACKEND': None, # additional social backend headers. # 'SOCIAL_HEADERS': {}, # unacknowledged events notification interval # 'UNACKNOWLEDGED_NOTIFY_INTERVAL': 1, # set to True to run all media requests (photos, attachments) through the # django application for acl checks. # enabling this setting slightly increases security but # has severe negative effects on performance. # you will also have to mark /uploads/ location as 'internal' in nginx config # # 'OVERPROTECT_MEDIA': False, } # - FindFace Security authorization configuration dictionary - FFSECURITY_AUTH_CONFIG = { # available options: face, password, face_and_password, face_or_password 'AUTH_TYPE': 'face_or_password', 'FACE_AUTH_CONFIDENCE': 0.745, # 180 days by default 'MAXIMUM_SESSION_LENGTH': 15552000, # session renew works only with face or face_or_password authorization type 'NEED_SESSION_RENEW': False, 'RENEW_SESSION_INTERVAL': 0, 'MAXIMUM_RENEW_ATTEMPTS': 2, } # - FindFace Security user interface configuration dictionary - FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG = { "event": { "features": { "f_gender_class": ["male", "female"], "age": { "f_age_gte": "", "f_age_lte": "" }, "f_emotions_class": ["angry", "disgust", "fear", "happy", "sad", "surprise", "neutral"], "f_glasses_class": ["none", "eye", "sun"], "f_beard_class": ["none", "beard"], "f_liveness_class": ["real", "fake"], "f_medmask_class": ["none", "incorrect", "correct"], } }, # Adjustable confidence threshold presets for face matching. # Please consult with our support before changing. "confidence_display": [ {"confidence": 0.00, "color": "#000000", "label": {"ru": "Очень низкий", "en": "Very Low"}}, {"confidence": 0.65, "color": "#FF0300", "label": {"ru": "Низкий", "en": "Low"}}, {"confidence": 0.70, "color": "#FFB700", "label": {"ru": "Пониженный", "en": "Slightly Low"}}, {"confidence": 0.72, "color": "#B8FA00", "label": {"ru": "Нормальный", "en": "Moderate"}}, {"confidence": 0.75, "color": "#7EFF2B", "label": {"ru": "Повышенный", "en": "Slightly High"}}, {"confidence": 0.80, "color": "#4DFF60", "label": {"ru": "Высокий", "en": "High"}}, {"confidence": 0.85, "color": "#1DFF96", "label": {"ru": "Очень высокий", "en": "Very High"}}, ] } # -- ASGI-server configuration -- # consult support before changing these settings. # per worker thread pool size. ASGI_THREADS = 32 UVICORN_SETTINGS = { # worker processes count, 'auto' sets it to logical cpu count 'workers': 'auto', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8002, # websocket worker processes count, # 'auto' sets it to logical cpu count, but not more than 8. 'ws-workers': 'auto', 'ws-host': 'localhost', 'ws-port': 8003, } # disable unused services to increase # overall system performance in some cases. SERVICES = { "ffsecurity": { "episodes": True, "webhooks": True, # use queue manager to prevent drops of video archive events "video_archive_events_manager": True, "persons": False, } } # -- Other settings -- # The number of threads in the night clusterization. # Not recommended values are greater than the number of cores in the processor. # Consult with support before changing this value. NUMPY_OMP_NUM_THREADS = 'auto' # ============================================================================== # FINDFACE SECURITY PLUGINS # ============================================================================== # Uncomment lines below to enable plugins. Please consult documentation for # a plugin specific settings. # =============== Axxon ================ # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_axxon') # AXXON = [ # { # 'name': 'server_name', # 'api': 'http://example.com/', # 'rtsp': 'rtsp://example.com:554/', # 'user': 'user', # 'password': 'password', # } # ] # FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG['dossier'] = { # 'video': True, # } # =============== Genetec ================ # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_genetec') # ================ Sova ================== # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_sova') # ================ Sigur ================= # keep in mind, that SIGUR plugin also uses CUSTOM_FIELDS and THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH settings # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_sigur') # SIGUR = { # 'LOGIN': 'admin', # 'PASSWORD': 'admin', # 'MF_SELECTOR': 'biggest', # what to do with several faces in sigur person photo; allowed ['biggest', 'reject'] # 'ONLY_RT_EVENTS': True, # only events with bs_type == realtime, # 'EVENT_DELAY': 0.004 # minimum time between two events of same person in seconds. If interval between two events with same person is less, than this value, second event will be dropped # } # ======= CryptoPRO authentication ======= # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_cproauth') # REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'] = [ # 'ffsecurity.auth.TokenAuthentication', # 'ffsecurity_cproauth.auth.CryptoProOrTokenAuthentication' # ] # ========== DossierLists sync =========== # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_sync') # token must be identical on master and slave # use pwgen -s 64 1 # SYNC_TOKEN = 'change_me' # rrule that defines sync schedule # SYNC_SCHEDULE = 'RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;WKST=MO;BYHOUR=4;BYMINUTE=0' # if True synchronization will occur on FindFace Security startup and restart # SYNC_AT_STARTUP = False # if True synchronization will occur immediately after creating synchronization for dossier list # SYNC_AT_CREATION = False # ============== Puppeteer =============== # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_puppeteer') # PUPPETEER_CONFIG = { # 'UNSAVED_RESULTS_DELETION_TIMEOUT': 3600, # maximum lifetime of search results not saved involuntarily # 'REMOTE_MONITORING_SYNC_INTERVAL': 600, # monitoring data synchronization interval, seconds # 'ENABLE_DAILY_SEARCH': True, # daily search activation (default False) # 'DAILY_SEARCH_PUSH_HOUR': 2, # daily search dossiers synchronization hour # 'DAILY_SEARCH_PULL_HOUR': 6, # hour in which results of daily search will be obtained # 'puppets': [ # { # 'id': 'first_puppet', # puppet ID # 'url': '', # puppet URL # 'token': 'first_puppet_token', # use pwgen -s 64 1 (should match the token in puppet) # 'facen_model': 'jackfruit_480' # face model in puppet # }, # { # 'id': 'second_puppet', # 'url': '', # 'token': 'second_puppet_token', # # # if remote installation has a different face model than the one used in FFSecurity - # # you need to specify its name and ExtractionAPI URL where the corresponding face model is specified # 'facen_model': 'grapefruit_480', # 'extractor': '', # }, # ] # } # # ================= Vns ================== # A plugin for using FindFace Security as a puppeteer server # INSTALLED_APPS.append('ffsecurity_vns') # VNS_CONFIG = { # 'USERS': { # 'user1': 'token1', # 'user2': 'token2' # }, # 'MONITORING_THRESHOLD': 0.75, # 'DAILY': { # 'ENABLED': False, # 'THRESHOLD': 0.75, # 'START_TIME': "00:00:00" # } # } When configuring ``findface-security``, refer to the following parameters: +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Description | +========================================+==========================================================================================================+ | ``BEARD_THRESHOLD`` | The presence of a beard on a face is determined with a certain level of confidence. | | | Depending on the confidence threshold, the system returns a binary result ``none`` or ``beard``. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD`` | Face similarity threshold for verification in events. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``COUNTERS_FULLFRAME_JPEG_QUALITY`` | JPEG quality of full frames in counters. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``COUNTER_RECORDS_MAX_AGE`` | The age of counter records at which they are automatically purged from the database. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``COUNTERS_SAVE_FULLFRAME`` | Saving options of full frames in counters: ``always``, ``detect`` - only save if faces or silhouettes | | | have been detected, ``never``. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``COUNTERS_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_QUALITY`` | JPEG quality of thumbnails in counters. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``CUSTOM_FIELDS`` | Uncomment and modify this section to customize dossier content. See :ref:`custom-tabs` for details. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``DATABASES`` (section) | Database settings. Fill in as such: | | | ``'PORT': 5439, 'USER': 'ntech', 'PASSWORD': ''`` | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EMOTIONS_THRESHOLD`` | Emotions are determined with a certain level of confidence. Depending on the confidence threshold, | | | the system distinguishes emotional faces from neutral ones. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EPISODE_EVENT_TIMEOUT`` | The maximum time in seconds since the last event has been added to an | | | episode. After this time, an episode automatically closes. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EPISODE_KEEP_ONLY_BEST_EVENT`` | When closing an episode, delete all events in it except the best event. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EPISODE_MAX_DURATION`` | The maximum episode duration in seconds. After this time, an episode | | | automatically closes. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EPISODE_SEARCH_INTERVAL`` | The period of time preceding an event, within which the system searches the | | | biometric database for events with similar faces. If no such an event is found, the system creates a new | | | episode. Otherwise, it picks up the most relevant event from a LIVE episode after sorting out the 100 | | | most recent similar faces. See :ref:`episodes`. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EPISODES_THRESHOLD`` | Face similarity threshold for verification in episodes. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EVENTS_FEATURES`` | If you enabled recognition models in the ``/etc/findface-extraction-api.ini`` configuration file, list | | | them here. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EVENTS_MAX_FULLFRAME_MATCHED_AGE`` | Same as ``EVENTS_MAX_MATCHED_AGE`` but only for full frames. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EVENTS_MAX_FULLFRAME_UNMATCHED_AGE`` | Same as ``EVENTS_MAX_UNMATCHED_AGE`` but only for full frames. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EVENTS_MAX_MATCHED_AGE`` | The age of matched events at which they are automatically purged from the database. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EVENTS_MAX_UNMATCHED_AGE`` | The age of unmatched events at which they are automatically purged from the database. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EXTERNAL_ADDRESS`` | External IP address or URL that will be used to access the FindFace Security web interface. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``EXTRACTION_API`` | IP address of the ``findface-extraction-api`` host. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``IGNORE_UNMATCHED`` | Disable logging events for faces which have no match in the dossiers (negative verification result). | | | Set true if the system has to process a large number of faces. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``LIVENESS_THRESHOLD`` | The liveness detector will estimate a face liveness with a certain level of confidence. | | | Depending on the confidence threshold, it will return a binary result ``real`` or ``fake``. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MAX_CAMERA_DROPPED_FRAMES`` | Color representation of camera statuses (yellow and red), based on the percentage of dropped frames. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MAX_CAMERA_FAILED_FACES`` | Color representation of camera statuses (yellow and red), based on the percentage of failed postings. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MAX_VIDEO_ARCHIVE_JOBS`` | Maximum concurrent ``findface-video-manager`` jobs for video archive processing. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``MINIMUM_DOSSIER_QUALITY`` | Minimum quality of a face in a dossier photo. Photos containing faces of worse quality will be rejected | | | when uploading to a dossier. Upright faces in frontal position are considered the best quality. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``NTLS_HTTP_URL`` | IP address of the ``findface-ntls`` host. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``PERSONS_CLUSTERIZATION_SCHEDULE`` | Recurrence rule (RRULE) for scheduling person clusterization. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``PERSONS_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD`` | Confidence threshold to match a face to a person. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``PERSON_EVENT_MIN_EPISODE_EVENTS`` | Minimum number of events in episodes used in person clusterization. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``PERSON_EVENT_MIN_QUALITY`` | Minimum quality of faces used in person clusterization. Do not modify the default value without | | | consulting with our experts (support@ntechlab.com) | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``PERSON_EVENTS_MAX_AGE`` | The age of person events at which they are automatically purged from the database. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ROUTER_URL`` | IP address of the ``findface-security`` host that will receive detected faces from the | | | ``findface-video-worker`` instance(s). Specify either external or internal IP address, subject to the | | | network through which ``findface-video-worker`` interacts with ``findface-security``. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SERVICE_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS`` | (Optional) IP address prioritized for webhooks and Genetec integration. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``SF_API_ADDRESS`` | IP address of the ``findface-sf-api`` host. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``THUMBNAIL_JPEG_QUALITY`` | Thumbnail JPEG quality. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH`` | Maximum thumbnail width. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``VERBOSE_WEBHOOKS`` | Send serialized dossiers, watch lists, cameras, and camera groups in :ref:`webhooks `. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``VIDEO_DETECTOR_TOKEN`` | To authorize the video face detection module, come up with a token and specify it here. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``VIDEO_MANAGER_ADDRESS`` | IP address of the ``findface-video-manager`` host. | +----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+