Back Up and Recover Data Storages

This section is all about the backup and recovery of the FindFace Multi data storages, which are the following:

  • Tarantool-based feature vector database that stores object feature vectors and identification events.

  • Main system database ffsecurity based on PostgreSQL, that stores internal system data, dossiers, user accounts, and camera settings.

  • Directory /var/lib/findface-security/uploads that stores uploaded dossier photos, video files, full frames of events and counters, and object thumbnails.

  • Directory /var/lib/ffupload/ that stores only such event artifacts as normalized object images.

In this section:

Feature Vector Database Backup and Recovery

There are the following galleries in the Tarantool-based feature vector database:

  • ffsec_body_events: feature vectors extracted from bodies detected in the video.

  • ffsec_body_objects: feature vectors extracted from bodies in dossier photos.

  • ffsec_car_events: feature vectors extracted from cars detected in the video.

  • ffsec_car_objects: feature vectors extracted from cars in dossier photos.

  • ffsec_face_events: feature vectors extracted from faces detected in the video.

  • ffsec_face_objects: feature vectors extracted from faces in dossier photos.

  • ffsec_user_face: feature vectors extracted from photos of FindFace Multi users, used for face-based authentication.

  • ffsec_persons: centroids of persons (virtual feature vectors averaged across all person’s faces) and metadata.

The database backup/recovery functionality allows you to fully restore all the galleries when needed.

To avoid data loss, we recommend you back up a feature vector database at least once a week. Overall, the backups’ frequency depends on the number of dossiers and object recognition events, and available disk space.

Be sure to back up the database before migrating your system to another neural network model.


To back up and recover the FindFace Multi feature vector database, the following utilities are needed:

  1. backup: findface-storage-api-dump,

  2. recovery: findface-storage-api-restore.

These utilities are automatically installed along with findface-sf-api.

Back Up Database

To back up the feature vector database, use the findface-storage-api-dump utility as follows:


The following services must be active: findface-tarantool-server, findface-sf-api.


The backup functionality can be applied to a distributed database. In this case, the findface-storage-api-dump utility will back up galleries on all the shards specified in /etc/findface-sf-api.ini.

  1. On the server with findface-sf-api, create a directory to store the backup files (/etc/findface_dump in the example below).

  2. Launch the findface-storage-api-dump utility by executing:

    sudo findface-storage-api-dump -output-dir=/etc/findface_dump -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini

    The utility will back up at once all the galleries into the files with corresponding names (ffsec_body_events.json, ffsec_face_events, etc.) and save them into the directory. These files contain all the data needed to restore the entire database.

Recover Database

To recover the feature vector database from the backup, launch the findface-storage-api-restore utility for all the files in the backup folder:

sudo findface-storage-api-restore -config /etc/findface-sf-api.ini /etc/findface_dump/*.json

The recovery process can be interrupted and resumed whenever necessary. To resume the process after the interruption, launch the findface-storage-api-restore utility again.

Main Database Backup and Recovery

To back up the main database ffsecurity based on PostgreSQL, execute:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump ffsecurity > ffsecurity_postgres_backup.sql

To recover the main database, do the following:

  1. Stop the findface-security service.

    sudo systemctl stop findface-security.service
  2. Stop the pgbouncer service to delete its active sessions with the ffsecurity database.

    sudo systemctl stop pgbouncer.service
  3. Open the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

    sudo -u postgres psql
  4. Remove the old ffsecurity database.

    DROP DATABASE ffsecurity;
  5. Create a new ffsecurity database. Leave the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

  6. Start the pgbouncer service.

    sudo systemctl start pgbouncer.service
  7. Recover the database content from the backup.

    sudo -u postgres psql -d ffsecurity -f ffsecurity_postgres_backup.sql
  8. Migrate the database architecture from FindFace Multi to PostgreSQL, re-create user groups with predefined rights and the first user with administrator rights.

    sudo findface-security migrate
    sudo findface-security create_groups
    sudo findface-security create_default_user
  9. Start the findface-security service.

    sudo systemctl start findface-security.service

Artifacts Backup and Recovery

The FindFace Multi artifacts, such as uploaded dossier photos, video files, and such event artifacts as full frames, object thumbnails, and normalized object images, are stored in the following directories:

  • /var/lib/findface-security/uploads

  • /var/lib/ffupload/

To back up the artifacts, execute:

sudo tar -cvzf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffsecurity_uploads.tar.gz /var/lib/findface-security/uploads/
sudo tar -cvzf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffupload.tar.gz /var/lib/ffupload/

To recover the artifacts, execute the following commands from the root directory:

cd /
sudo tar -xvf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffsecurity_uploads.tar.gz
sudo tar -xvf /home/some_directory/var_lib_ffupload.tar.gz