Deploy Video Recorder Step-by-Step

The FindFace Core internal architecture allows for embedding Video Recorder, an additional functionality that records, stores, and plays back video data from cameras.

There are the following ways to deploy Video Recorder:

  • Automatically during the FindFace Multi deployment from a console installer. See Deploy from Console Installer for details.

  • Step-by-step. Recommended in a multi-host environment.

This section will guide you through the Video Recorder step-by-step deployment.


If you are located in Russia or Belarus and intend to use Video Recorder, before you start deploying, you need to contact to get the MongoDB distribution package. Then follow the installation instructions in the section Troubleshoot MongoDB distribution. After you’ve done that, follow the instructions below.


Be sure to learn the FindFace Multi architecture first.

In this section:

Install APT Repository

First of all, install the FindFace apt repository as follows:

  1. Download the installer file

  2. Put the .run file into some directory on the designated host (for example, /home/username).

  3. From this directory, make the .run file executable.

    chmod +x
  4. Execute the .run file.

    sudo ./

    The installer will ask you a few questions and perform several automated checks to ensure that the host meets the system requirements. Fill out the prompts appropriately once requested. The questions and answers are the following:

    1. Product to install: FindFace Multi.

    2. Installation type: repo: Don't install anything, just set up the APT repository.

    3. APT repository doesn't include recognition models. Do you want to install them now?: no.

    After that, the FindFace apt repository will be automatically installed.

Install Prerequisite, MongoDB

The Video Recorder operation requires a third-party software, MongoDB. Install it as follows:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y mongodb

After the installation, the mongodb service will be launched and enabled to auto-start on boot. You can check its status by executing the command bellow:

sudo systemctl status mongodb

● mongodb.service - An object/document-oriented database
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-05-16 10:23:04 UTC; 46s ago

Install Main Components

To install the Video Recorder components, do the following:

  1. Install the findface-video-storage and findface-video-streamer-cpu services from the previously installed APT repository.

    sudo apt install -y findface-video-storage findface-video-streamer-cpu

    After the installation, findface-video-storage will be launched and enabled to auto-start on boot, while the findface-video-streamer-cpu service will remain disabled and inactive.

  2. Open the /etc/findface-video-storage.conf configuration file. Set webdav for the chunk-storage -> type parameter.

    sudo vi /etc/findface-video-storage.conf
      type: webdav
  3. Restart the findface-video-storage service after saving the changes.

    sudo systemctl restart findface-video-storage
  4. Launch the findface-video-streamer-cpu service and enable it to auto-start on boot.

    sudo systemctl enable findface-video-streamer-cpu && sudo systemctl start findface-video-streamer-cpu

Video Recorder is now successfully deployed. To configure Video Recorder after the deployment, follow these instructions.