Custom Metadata in Tarantool

It is often necessary to assign additional metadata to the objects extracted from images uploaded to the record index and now stored in the feature vector database.

In this section:

Customize Meta Fields of Face Objects

To assign custom meta fields to the face objects, do the following:

  1. Prepare the list of custom meta fields to assign.

  2. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/ configuration file.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/
  3. In the FFSECURITY section, uncomment the CUSTOM_FIELDS -> face_object section and modify the exemplary content, considering the following:

    • field_name: field’s name;

    • type: data type (uint, string or bool);

    • default: field’s default value. If a default value exceeds ‘1e14 – 1’, use a string data type to specify it, for example, "123123.." instead of 123123...

        # -- Custom model fields --
        # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS -> `face_object` section to customize face object fields.
        # 'CUSTOM_FIELDS': {
              'face_object': {
                  'items': [
                          "field_name": "tag_name_1",
                          "type": "string",
                          "default": "change_me"
                          "field_name": "tag_name_2",
                          "type": "uint",
                          "default": 123
                          "field_name": "tag_name_3",
                          "type": "bool",
                          "default": True
  4. Add the new meta fields to the feature vector database structure.

  5. Restart all FindFace Multi containers.

    cd /opt/findface-multi/
    sudo docker-compose restart

    You can work with the new meta fields through HTTP API using the objects/faces/ methods.

Customize Meta Fields of Body and Vehicle Objects

Assigning custom meta fields to the body and vehicle objects are similar to the faces. The only difference is that you will need to manually create the CUSTOM_FIELDS -> body_object and CUSTOM_FIELDS -> car_object sections. It is a good idea to duplicate the CUSTOM_FIELDS -> face_object section and use it as a starting point for further modifications.



    # -- Custom model fields --
    # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS -> `face_object` section to customize face object fields.
    # 'CUSTOM_FIELDS': {
          'body_object': {
              'items': [
                      "field_name": "tag_name_1",
                      "type": "string",
                      "default": "change_me"
                      "field_name": "tag_name_2",
                      "type": "uint",
                      "default": 123
                      "field_name": "tag_name_3",
                      "type": "bool",
                      "default": True
          'car_object': {
              'items': [
                      "field_name": "tag_name_1",
                      "type": "string",
                      "default": "change_me"
                      "field_name": "tag_name_2",
                      "type": "uint",
                      "default": 123
                      "field_name": "tag_name_3",
                      "type": "bool",
                      "default": True

Similarly, you can work with the new meta fields using the objects/bodies/ and objects/cars/ methods of HTTP API.


Assigning custom meta fields to the face, body and vehicle events are similar to the face, body and vehicle objects. You will also need to manually create the CUSTOM_FIELDS -> face_event, CUSTOM_FIELDS -> body_event and CUSTOM_FIELDS -> car_event sections by similar way.

See also

To create custom tabs, fields, and filters in cards, refer to Custom Tabs, Fields, and Filters in Record Index.