Enable Personal Data Protection

FindFace Multi supports laws related to the processing of personal data of individuals (GDPR and similar).

To apply personal data protection to your system, do the following:

  1. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py configuration file.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/findface-multi-legacy.py
  2. Disable saving unmatched events by setting 'IGNORE_UNMATCHED': True.

        # do not save unmatched events (GDPR support)
        'IGNORE_UNMATCHED': True,
  3. For events with matches, enable blurring all unmatched objects in full frames. To do so, set 'BLUR_UNMATCHED_OBJECTS': True. Optionally, you can modify the default JPEG quality of those frames.

        # blur all unmatched objects on the full frame of the matched event (GDPR support)
        # full frame jpeg quality when `BLUR_UNMATCHED_OBJECTS` is enabled
  4. Enable blurring all unmatched objects on the Video Wall. To do so, set "gdpr": True in the FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG -> video_player section.

       "video_player": {
          "overlay": {
            "gdpr": True
  5. Restart all FindFace Multi containers.

    cd /opt/findface-multi/
    sudo docker-compose restart

See also

Video Wall