Getting started

In this chapter, you can find a recommended sequence of steps that will help you harness your system’s complete functionality.

In this chapter:


<findface-ip:port> must be substituted into your ip address for FindFace Multi. <token> must be substituted into your token.

Gear Up for Work

Perform the primary configuration of your system:

  1. Deploy FindFace Multi and learn API documentation at http://<findface-ip:port>/api-docs.

  2. Authorize with HTTP Basic auth by sending credentials to the login form.

  3. Create an authorization token with your session UUID and optionally face authorization.

  4. Paste a token into the API Key field in the authorization form: Token <token> or put it into the Authorization HTTP header.

Organize Watch Lists and Card Index

  1. Create a new watch list, using POST method, or use the default one.

  2. Find watch list ID to make a POST request for creating a new card.

  3. Perform face (car, body) detection on the attached photo and copy id of the necessary object.

  4. Attach an image of the individual’s face, using detection id.

Upload and Process Video File

  1. Organize Video Surveillance by uploading a video file.

  2. Find id of the video archive by listing video archives or adding new one.

  3. Attach source video file with id of the video archive.

  4. Start video archive processing.

Data Sources

To configure video-based object monitoring, add cameras to FindFace Multi, grouping them subject to their location.

  1. A default preconfigured camera group is available in the system. List available camera group.

  2. If necessary, create a new camera group.

  3. Use camera group id to make a POST request for creating a new camera.

FindFace Multi in Action

  1. Search for objects in the database of detected objects and card index. Learn more.

  2. Compare two objects and verify that they match.