Configure Video Recorder

The FindFace Core internal architecture allows for embedding Video Recorder, an additional functionality that records, stores, and plays back video data from cameras.

This section is about the Video Recorder configuration.

In this section:

Enable Video Recorder

To enable Video Recorder, do the following:

  1. Enable the findface-video-worker service to transfer video chunks to the findface-video-storage service.


    This setting makes the Video Recorder functionality available over HTTP API. It’s also obligatory if you want to harness Video Recorder as part of the FindFace Multi web interface.

    Do the following:

    1. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml configuration to enable findface-video-worker service that will supply Video Recorder with video.

      sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml
    2. Set enabled: true in the recorder section.

        enabled: true
    3. Restart findface-multi-findface-video-worker-1 container.

      sudo docker container restart findface-multi-findface-video-worker-1
  2. Configure Video Recorder to work as part of the FindFace Multi web interface.


    Omit the following steps if you do not need the Video Recorder tools to appear in the FindFace Multi web interface.

    Do the following:

    1. Open the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/ configuration file.

      sudo vi /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/
    2. Find the FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG -> vms section.

      The list of vms parameters to configure is the following:



      vms -> "enabled"

      Setting the value to True will add the Record video checkbox to the camera settings and enable event viewing in the video player timeline.

    3. Find the FFSECURITY_UI_CONFIG -> video_player section.

      The list of video player parameters to configure is the following:



      "overlay" -> "objects"

      Defines the settings for displaying bbox and attribute data to the objects "faces", "bodies", "cars". Set True or False to enable/disable bbox and attribute data display for the relevant objects.

      "overlay" -> "gdpr"

      Set True to blurring all unmatched objects displayed on the video player. To fully comply with the personal data protection laws, follow this guide.

      "timeline" -> "min_zoom"

      Defines the largest possible scale on the video player timeline, seconds per pixel.

      "timeline" -> "max_zoom"

      Defines the smallest possible scale on the timeline, seconds per pixel.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "faces" -> "enabled"

      Set True to enable marking face events on the timeline.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "faces" -> "limit"

      The maximum number of face events simultaneously marked on the timeline. If there is more face events than that, you will be asked to zoom in.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "faces" -> "matchedColor"

      Color of the matched face events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "faces" -> "unmatchedColor"

      Color of the unmatched face events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "bodies" -> "enabled"

      Set True to enable marking bodies events on the timeline.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "bodies" -> "limit"

      The maximum number of body events simultaneously marked on the timeline. If there is more body events than that, you will be asked to zoom in.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "bodies" -> "matchedColor"

      Color of the matched body events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "bodies" -> "unmatchedColor"

      Color of the unmatched body events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "cars" -> "enabled"

      Set True to enable marking vehicle events on the timeline.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "cars" -> "limit"

      The maximum number of vehicle events simultaneously marked on the timeline. If there is more vehicle events than that, you will be asked to zoom in.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "cars" -> "matchedColor"

      Color of the matched vehicle events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "events" "cars" -> "unmatchedColor"

      Color of the unmatched vehicle events.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "humans" -> "enabled"

      Set True to enable marking human episodes on the timeline.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "humans" -> "limit"

      The maximum number of humans episodes simultaneously marked on the timeline. If there is more face episodes than that, you will be asked to zoom in.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "humans" -> "matchedColor"

      Color of the matched human episodes.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "humans" -> "unmatchedColor"

      Color of the unmatched human episodes.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "cars" -> "enabled"

      Set True to enable marking vehicle episodes on the timeline.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "cars" -> "limit"

      The maximum number of vehicle episodes simultaneously marked on the timeline. If there is more vehicle episodes than that, you will be asked to zoom in.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "cars" -> "matchedColor"

      Color of the matched vehicle episodes.

      "timeline" -> "objects" -> "episodes" "cars" -> "unmatchedColor"

      Color of the unmatched vehicle episodes.

      "video_player": {
       "overlay": {
           "objects": {
               "faces": {
                 "bbox": True,
                 "info": True
               "bodies": {
                 "bbox": True,
                 "info": True
               "cars": {
                 "bbox": True,
                 "info": True
           "gdpr": False
       "timeline": {
           "min_zoom": 0.2,
           "max_zoom": 200,
           "objects": {
               "events": {
                   "faces": {
                       "enabled": True,
                       "limit": 500,
                       "matchedColor": "rgba(6,193,103,0.8)",
                       "unmatchedColor": "rgba(232,92,74,0.8)",
                   "bodies": {
                       "enabled": False,
                       "limit": 500,
                       "matchedColor": "rgba(6,193,103,0.8)",
                       "unmatchedColor": "rgba(232,92,74,0.8)",
                   "cars": {
                       "enabled": False,
                       "limit": 500,
                       "matchedColor": "rgba(6,193,103,0.8)",
                       "unmatchedColor": "rgba(232,92,74,0.8)",
               "episodes": {
                   "humans": {
                       "enabled": False,
                       "limit": 500,
                       "matchedColor": "rgba(6,193,103,0.8)",
                       "unmatchedColor": "rgba(232,92,74,0.8)",
                   "cars": {
                       "enabled": False,
                       "limit": 500,
                       "matchedColor": "rgba(6,193,103,0.8)",
                       "unmatchedColor": "rgba(232,92,74,0.8)",
      "vms": {
         "enabled": True,
    4. Restart all FindFace Multi containers.

      cd /opt/findface-multi/
      sudo docker-compose restart

Nuances of Disabling Video Recorder

If Video Recorder is running and recording video on selected cameras, and you need to disable it, be sure to disable video recording on the cameras first, before proceeding with the /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-multi-legacy/ and /opt/findface-multi/configs/findface-video-worker/findface-video-worker.yaml configuration files.