Install Step-By-Step

This section will guide you through the FindFace Server step-by-step installation process. Follow the instructions below minding the sequence.


Standalone installation can also be done from a developer-friendly console installer or as a fully pre-configured virtual machine image.

In this section:

Prepare Packages for Installation

FindFace Enterprise Server SDK can be installed from a local repository. You can receive the FindFace Enterprise Server SDK distributable packages from your NTechLab manager. To prepare the packages for installation, do the following:

  1. Unpack the package with components on each designated host.

    sudo dpkg -i <findface-repo>.deb
  2. Add a signature key on each designated host.

    sudo apt-key add /var/findface-repo/public.key
    sudo apt-get update
  3. Unpack the packages with models (face, gender, age, and emotions). In the cluster environment, models are installed only on the extraction-api hosts.

    sudo dpkg -i findface-data*

Licensing Principles

FindFace Enterprise Server is licensed by the following criteria:

  1. The number of biometric samples extracted from faces detected in static images and videos.

  2. The number of cameras in use.

  3. The number of findface-extraction-api model instances in use.

  4. Face features recognition: gender/age/emotions/glasses/beard.

  5. Face liveness detection.

  6. Fast index.

You can choose between the online and on-premise (aka offline) licensing:

  • Online licensing requires a stable internet connection. Upon being disconnected from the internet, the system will continue working off-grid for about 1 hour.

  • On-premise (offline) licensing requires a USB port on the physical server with the findface-ntls component, that will be used to plug in a provided USB dongle.

To provide the system functioning, one findface-ntls instance should be enough. If for some reason, your system requires more license servers, contact your Ntech Lab manager beforehand to prevent your system from being blocked.

Components in Depth

Configure Network

After you install the FindFace Server components, configure their interaction with each other. Do the following:

  1. Open the findface-facenapi.ini configuration file:

    sudo vi /etc/findface-facenapi.ini
  2. Uncomment and/or edit the settings to align with your network specifications, substituting the suggested values with actual location:

    ffupload_url = ''
    mongo_host = ''
    extraction_api_url = ''
    tntapi_servers_file = '/etc/tntapi.json'


    The findface-facenapi.ini content must be correct Python code.


    Do not specify ffupload_url if the findface-upload component is not installed.

  3. By default, if one or several tntapi shards are out of service during face identification, findface-facenapi returns an error. If necessary, uncomment the tntapi_ignore_search_error parameter and assign it True. In this case findface-facenapi will use available tntapi shards to obtain face identification results, indicating the number of available servers vs the total number of servers in the response:

    tntapi_ignore_search_errors = True
  4. Restart all the FindFace Enterprise Server SDK services and nginx (for findface-upload) on the relevant host(s).

    sudo service 'findface*' restart
    sudo service nginx restart
  5. Check the services status. The command will return the services description, status (should be Active), path and running time.

    sudo service 'findface*' status
    sudo service nginx status