Console Bulk Record Upload

In addition to the web interface upload, you can bulk-upload records to the record index via the console utility. Make choice in favor of this utility if the number of uploaded photos exceeds 10,000.


To view the help, execute:

docker exec findface-cibr-findface-multi-legacy-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ --help


--job FILE        Job file (default: enroll-job.db)
--log-level TEXT  Log level
--fsync BOOLEAN   Call fsync() to prevent data loss on power failure
--help            Show this message and exit.

add    Add items from CSV or TSV file to job
print  Print contents of job file as JSON
run    Run upload job
docker exec findface-cibr-findface-multi-legacy-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ add --help

Usage: add [OPTIONS] FILES...

--format [csv|tsv]  Input file format - CSV or TSV
--delimiter TEXT    Field delimiter - by default it's "\t" for TSV and ","
                    for CSV

--help              Show this message and exit.
 docker exec findface-cibr-findface-multi-legacy-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ print --help

 Usage: print [OPTIONS]

 Print contents of job file as JSON

--failed  Show only failed images
--noface  Show only images without detection
--help    Show this message and exit.
docker exec findface-cibr-findface-multi-legacy-1 /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ run --help

Usage: run [OPTIONS]

Run upload job

--parallel INTEGER        Number of enroll threads (default: 10)
--api TEXT                API url (default:

--user TEXT               API username  [required]
--password TEXT           API password  [required]
--watch-lists TEXT        Comma-separated list of card list ids  [required]
--inactive                Mark new cards as inactive
--failed                  Include failed images
--noface                  Include images without detection
--all-faces               Enroll all found faces on each image
--detect-timeout INTEGER  Request timeout for detect photos
--logging-delta INTEGER   Logging period delta
--help                    Show this message and exit.

Do the following:

  1. Write the list of photos and metastrings to a CSV or TSV file.


    The file used as a metadata source must have the following format: path to photo | metastring.

    To prepare a TSV file, you can use a script, or generate it with python or other utility.


    Both the script and the command in the examples below create the images.tsv file. Each image in the list will be associated with a metastring coinciding with the image file name in the format path to photo | metastring.

    To build a TSV file listing photos, upload the script to your home directory, for example /home/ubuntu, and run the following command:

    sudo docker run -it --rm --network host --volume ${PWD}:/home/ubuntu/create_cards --volume /home/ubuntu/photos:/home/ubuntu/photos sh -c "cd /home/ubuntu/create_cards && /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/photos"

    where /home/ubuntu/photos is a directory with your photos.

    A TSV file may also be generated using the following command:

    python3 /home/ubuntu/photos/

    You can use a images.tsv file as example.

  2. Create a job file out of a CSV or TSV file by using the add utility command. As a result, a file enroll-job.db will be created and saved in a current directory.

    sudo docker run -it --rm --network host --volume ${PWD}:/home/ubuntu/create_cards sh -c "cd /home/ubuntu/create_cards && /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ add /home/ubuntu/create_cards/images.tsv"

    The add utility options:

    • --format: input file format, tsv by default,

    • --delimiter: field delimiter, by default "\t" for TSV, and "," for CSV.


    A job file represents a sqlite database which can be opened on the sqlite3 console.

  3. Process the job file by specifying the path to the photos (for example, /home/ubuntu/photos) and passing the necessary arguments. Use the following command:

    sudo docker run -it --rm --network host --volume ${PWD}:/home/ubuntu/create_cards --volume /home/ubuntu/photos:/home/ubuntu/photos sh -c "cd /home/ubuntu/create_cards && /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/ run --user admin --password password --watch-lists 1"

    The run utility options:

    • --parallel: the number of photo upload threads, 10 by default. The more threads you use, the faster the bulk upload is completed, however it requires more resources too.

    • --api: findface-security API URL, by default. Mandatory option.

    • --user: login. Mandatory option.

    • --password: password. Mandatory option.

    • --watch-lists: comma-separated list of the watch lists id’s. Mandatory option.

    • --inactive: mark new records as inactive.

    • --failed: should an error occur during the job file processing, correct the mistake and try again with this option.

    • --noface: by default, images classified as having no faces will be assigned the NOFACE status and automatically excluded from the upload. To attempt re-detecting faces in such images, re-run the job file with this option. If the re-detection gives a negative result again, an image will be skipped and a relevant record will appear in the upload log.

    • --all-faces: upload all faces from a photo if it features several faces.

    • --detect-timeout: request timeout for detect photos.

    • --logging-delta: logging period delta.

  4. (Optional) Print the job processing results as JSON. If necessary, you can print only failed images/ images without detected faces. Use the following command:

    sudo docker run -it --rm --network host --volume ${PWD}:/home/ubuntu/create_cards --volume /home/ubuntu/NTL_impersonated:/home/ubuntu/NTL_impersonated sh -c "cd /home/ubuntu/create_cards && /opt/findface-security/bin/python3 /tigre_prototype/ffsecurity/  print --noface --failed"

    The print utility options:

    • --failed: show only failed images.

    • --noface: show only images without detection.