Custom Tabs, Fields, and Filters in Record Index

See also

To create custom fields in the feature vector database, refer to Custom Metadata in Tarantool.

To add custom tabs and fields to the records of individuals, do the following:

  1. Prepare the list of custom tabs and fields you want to add to the records.

  2. Open the /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/ configuration file.

    sudo vi /opt/findface-cibr/configs/findface-multi-legacy/
  3. Customize the records of individuals. To do so, uncomment the FFSECURITY -> CUSTOM_FIELDS -> human_card section and modify the exemplary content, considering the following:

    • 'items': the list of fields in a record. Describe each field with the following parameters:

      • 'name': field’s internal name, string.

      • 'default': field’s default value. If a default value exceeds 1e14 - 1 , use a string data type to specify it, for example, "123123.." instead of 123123...

      • 'label': field’s label in a record, string.

      • 'tab': tab that features the field.

      • 'display': display format (form or list), string or array.

      • 'description': field’s description, string.

      • 'editable': field’s editability, boolean.

      • 'type': field data type, string. Possible values:

        • list: requires items, additional parameter for lists (see below), expects objects {id, name} in dictionaries;

        • valuelist: expects elements of primitive types.

        • objectlist: allows for creating arrays of objects of required types.

        • datetime: primitive data type displayed as a datetime list.

        • date: primitive data type displayed as a date picker.

        • boolean: primitive data type displayed as a checkbox.

        • string: primitive data type string.

      • additional parameters for lists (type=list, type=valuelist):

        • multiple: possibility of selecting several items in the list, boolean.

        • items: dictionary used as a data source for the list.

        • allow_create: possibility of adding new items to the list.

        • custom_id: custom field for id (type=list).

      • additional parameters for object lists (type=objectlist).

        • object: objects used as a data source for the object list.

        • simple: indicator that the field expects data of a primitive type instead of objects, for example, expects strings with phone numbers.

    • 'filters': the list of search filters associated with the custom fields. Parameters:

      • 'name': filter’s internal name,

      • 'label': filter’s label in the web interface,

      • 'field': associated field in the format [field name].

    • 'tabs': the list of tabs in a record.

     # -- Custom model fields --
     # Edit CUSTOM_FIELDS -> `human_card` section to customize human card fields.
         'human_card': {
             'items': [
                     'name': 'personid',
                     'default': '',
                     'label': 'PersonID',
                     'display': ['list', 'form'],
                     'description': 'Sigur person ID',
                     'editable': False
                     'name': 'firstname',
                     'default': '',
                     'label': 'First Name',
                     'display': ['list', 'form'],
                     'description': 'Sigur first name',
                     'editable': False
                     'name': 'lastname',
                     'default': '',
                     'label': 'Last Name',
                     'display': ['list', 'form'],
                     'description': 'Sigur last name',
                     'editable': False
                     'name': 'version',
                     'default': '',
                     'label': 'Version',
                     'display': ['list', 'form'],
                     'description': 'Sigur photo version',
                     'editable': False
             'filters': [
                     'name': 'personid',
                     'label': 'Sigur person ID filter',
                     'field': 'personid'
  4. Restart all FindFace CIBR containers.

    cd /opt/findface-cibr/
    sudo docker-compose restart

    You will see the custom content appear in the records.