Extraction API

By default, the extraction-api component is used as a face detector and facen extractor. This section explains how to harness its advanced feature such as flexible configuration of the API response format. Use this feature to extract various face data, including the bounding box coordinates, normalized face, gender, age, and emotions, and facen without findface-facenapi as a mediator. Implementing this feature to your system can remarkably broaden the scope of analytic tasks it is capable of fulfilling.


Being a findface-facenapi counterpart when it comes to data extraction via API, Extraction API is more resource-demanding. The component cannot fully substitute findface-facenapi as it doesn’t allow adding faces and working with the database.


Normalized images received from Extraction API in base64 are qualified for posting to findface-facenapi.


To use such Extraction API functions as face quality estimation and auto-rotation of original images, activate the Face Quality module. Please contact support for details by info@ntechlab.com.

In this section:

Install Extraction API

To install and configure the Extraction API component, do the following:


Extraction API requires the packages with models <findface-data>.deb. Make sure they have been installed.

  1. Install the component.

    sudo apt-get install findface-extraction-api
  2. Open the findface-extraction-api.ini configuration file.

    sudo vi /etc/findface-extraction-api.ini
  3. If NTLS is remote, specify its IP address.

  4. Configure other parameters if needed. For example, enable or disable fetching Internet images.

      enabled: true
      size_limit: 10485760
  5. The min_face_size and max_face_size parameters do not work as filters. They rather indicate the guaranteed detection interval. Pick up their values carefully as these parameters affect performance.

      min_face_size: 30
      max_face_size: .inf
  6. The model_instances parameter indicates how many extraction-api instances are used. Specify the number of instances that you purchased. The default value (0) means that this number is equal to the number of CPU cores.


    This parameter severely affects RAM consumption.

    model_instances: 2
  7. To estimate the face quality, enable the quality_estimator. In this case, extraction-api will return the quality score in the detection_score parameter.


    Interpret the quality score further in analytics. Upright faces in frontal position are considered the best quality. They result in values around 0, mostly negative (such as -0.00067401276, for example). Inverted faces and large face angles are estimated with negative values some -5 and less.

    quality_estimator: true


    This function is available only if you have activated the Face Quality module. Please contact support for details by info@ntechlab.com.

  8. Enable the Extraction API service autostart and launch the service.

    sudo systemctl enable findface-extraction-api && sudo systemctl start findface-extraction-api

API Requests

The Extraction API component accepts POST requests to

There are 2 ways to format the request body:

  • application/json: the request body contains only JSON.
  • multipart/form-data: the request body contains a JSON part with the request itself, other body parts are used for image transfer.

The JSON part of the request body contains a set of requests:

    "requests": [request1, request2, .., requestN]

Each request in the set applies to a specific image or region in the image and accepts the following parameters:

  • "image": an uploaded image (use multipart:part to refer to a relevant request body part), or a publicly accessible image URL (http:, https:).

  • "roi": a region of interest in the image. If the region is not specified, the entire image is processed.

  • "detector": a face detector to apply to the image (legacy, nnd or prenormalized). The prenormalized mode accepts normalized face images and omits detecting faces. Use nnd if you need to estimate the face quality ("quality_estimator": true).

  • "need_facen": if true, the request returns a facen in the response.

  • "need_gender": returns gender.

  • "need_emotions": returns emotions.

  • "need_age": returns age.

  • "need_normalized": returns a normalized face image encoded in base64. The normalized image can then be posted again to the Extraction API component as “prenormalized”.

  • "auto_rotate": if true, auto-rotates an original image to 4 different orientations and returns faces detected in each orientation. Works only if "detector": "nnd" and "quality_estimator": true.


    This function is available only if you have activated the Face Quality module. Please contact support for details by info@ntechlab.com.

    "image": "http://static.findface.pro/sample.jpg",
    "roi": {"left": 0, "right": 1000, "top": 0, "bottom": 1000},
    "detector": "nnd",
    "need_facen": true,
    "need_gender": true,
    "need_emotions": true,
    "need_age": true,
    "need_normalized": true,
    "auto_rotate": true

API Response Format

A typical response from the Extraction API component contains a set of responses to the requests wrapped into the main API request:

    "response": [response1, response2, .., responseN]

Each response in the set contains the following JSON data:

  • "faces": a set of faces detected in the provided image or region of interest.
  • "error": an error occurred during processing (if any). The error body includes the error code which can be interpreted automatically ("code") and a human-readable description ("desc").
    "faces": [face1, face2, .., faceN],
    "error": {
        "code": "IMAGE_DECODING_FAILED",
        "desc": "Failed to decode: reason"

Each face in the set is provided with the following data:

  • "bbox": coordinates of a bounding box with the face.
  • "detection_score": either the face detection accuracy, or the face quality score (depending on whether quality_estimator is false or true at /etc/findface-extraction-api.ini). Upright faces in frontal position are considered the best quality. They result in values around 0, mostly negative (such as -0.00067401276, for example). Inverted faces and large face angles are estimated with negative values some -5 and less.
  • "facen": the face feature vector.
  • "gender": gender information (MALE or FEMALE) with recognition accuracy if requested.
  • "age": age estimate if requested.
  • "emotions": all available emotions in descending order of probability if requested.
  • "normalized": a normalized face image encoded in base64 if requested.
    "bbox": { "left": 1, "right": 2, "top": 3, "bottom": 4},
    "detection_score": -0.0004299,
    "facen": "...",
    "gender": {
        "gender": "MALE",
        "score": "1.123"
    "age": 23.59,
    "emotions": [
        { "emotion": "neutral", "score": 0.95 },
        { "emotion": "angry", "score": 0.55 },
    "normalized": "...",


Request #1

curl -X POST -F sample=@sample.jpg -F 'request={"requests":[{"image":"multipart:sample","detector":"nnd", "need_gender":true, "need_normalized": true, "need_facen": true}]}'| jq


  "responses": [
      "faces": [
          "bbox": {
            "left": 595,
            "top": 127,
            "right": 812,
            "bottom": 344
          "detection_score": -0.0012599,
          "facen": "qErDPTE...vd4oMr0=",
          "gender": {
            "gender": "FEMALE",
            "score": -2.6415858
          "normalized": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE...79CIbv"

Request #2

curl -X POST  -F 'request={"requests": [{"need_age": true, "need_gender": true, "detector": "nnd", "roi": {"left": -2975, "top": -635, "right": 4060, "bottom": 1720}, "image": "https://static.findface.pro/sample.jpg", "need_emotions": true}]}' |jq


  "responses": [
      "faces": [
          "bbox": {
            "left": 595,
            "top": 127,
            "right": 812,
            "bottom": 344
          "detection_score": 0.9999999,
          "gender": {
            "gender": "FEMALE",
            "score": -2.6415858
          "age": 26.048346,
          "emotions": [
              "emotion": "neutral",
              "score": 0.90854686
              "emotion": "sad",
              "score": 0.051211596
              "emotion": "happy",
              "score": 0.045291856
              "emotion": "surprise",
              "score": -0.024765536
              "emotion": "fear",
              "score": -0.11788454
              "emotion": "angry",
              "score": -0.1723868
              "emotion": "disgust",
              "score": -0.35445923

Request #3. Auto-rotation

curl -s -F 'sample=@/path/to/your/photo.png' -F 'request={"requests":[{"image":"multipart:sample","detector":"nnd", "auto_rotate": true, "need_normalized": true }]}'


 "responses": [
     "faces": [
         "bbox": {
           "left": 96,
           "top": 99,
           "right": 196,
           "bottom": 198
         "detection_score": -0.00019264,
         "normalized": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhE....quWKAAC"
         "bbox": {
           "left": 205,
           "top": 91,
           "right": 336,
           "bottom": 223
         "detection_score": -0.00041600747,
         "normalized": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAA....AByquWKAACAAElEQVR4nKy96XYbybIdnF"