
This section will give you a general idea of the findface-facenapi context.

In this section:

Wrapping MongoDB Objects into the Model Class

Information about faces, galleries, cameras, persons, as well as authentication data are stored in the MongoDB database. The MongoStore class provides a base for interaction between the findface-facenapi component and MongoDB objects, being a wrapper around the MongoDB object collection. MongoStore wraps each object, returned in a MongoDB query, into an instance of the Model class ([Objects].Model, e.g. Faces.Model, Galleries.Model, etc.), so that the object can have its own methods and properties, and can be further processed through the findface-facenapi context.

Implementing Authentication

While the MongoStore class creates a base for interaction between findface-facenapi and MongoDB objects (see Wrapping MongoDB Objects into the Model Class), it doesn’t call for authentication. To provide it, the following MongoStore subclasses are used:

  • The UserStore class provides user-based authentication. It ensures that passing an unauthenticated request will cause an error, instead of security vulnerabilities. Each class that represents a collection of objects (faces, galleries, persons, etc.) inherits from UserStore.
  • The Users class stores the authentication credentials as user objects. Both a user id and user object are qualified for authentication and can be passed to methods that require it.

Common Object Types


Stores coordinates of a face bounding box in the original image as Rectangle('left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom'), where:

  • 'left': x coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounding box, float.
  • 'top': y coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounding box, float.
  • 'right': x coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the bounding box, float.
  • 'bottom': y coordinate of the bottom-right corner of the bounding box, float.


A bbox’s coordinates can lie outside image boundaries and be negative.


The facenapi.core.extractors.ExtractionFace object represents a dictionary of face data returned from ctx.extractor.extract(). It can be converted into a Faces.Model instance by using Faces.Model.from_extraction_face().

The facenapi.core.extractors.ExtractionFace dictionary have the following keys:

  • bbox: coordinates of the face region in the original image (bbox)
  • normalized: normalized face image, bytes of the .png file
  • facen: (optional) face feature vector, base64
  • gender: (optional) ‘male’ or ‘female’, str
  • age: (optional) estimated age, float
  • emotions: (optional) emotions with relevant probability, namedtuple
  • 'score': face image quality, float
  • 'photo_hash': hash of the original photo, str

Face object

Being wrapped into the Faces.Model class, a face object represents a dictionary face with the following keys:

  • "id" (number): unique identifier of the face

  • 'bbox': coordinates of the face region in the original image (bbox)

  • 'facen': (optional) face feature vector, base64

  • 'gender': (optional) ‘male’ or ‘female’, str

  • 'age': (optional) estimated age, float

  • 'emotions': (optional) 2 most prevalent emotions, tuple

  • 'normalized': normalized face image, bytes of the .png file

  • 'score': face image quality, float


    You can interpret the face image quality as follows. Upright faces in frontal position are considered the best quality. They result in values around 0, mostly negative (such as -0.00067401276, for example). Inverted faces and large face angles are estimated with negative values some -5 and less.

  • 'timestamp': (optional) time of the face object creation as ISO8601 string

  • 'photo': (optional) URL of the original image used to create the face object

  • 'photo_hash': hash of the original photo, str

  • 'thumbnail': (optional) URL of the face thumbnail

  • 'meta': (optional) metadata string that you can use to store any information associated with the face

  • 'galleries': (optional) list of galleries that feature the face.

A collection of face objects is stored in the Faces class.

Implementing Collections of MongoDB Objects

Each collection of MongoDB objects is implemented as the [Objects] class and consists of instances of the relevant [Objects].Model class. For example, to work with a face and person collections, you have to refer respectively to the Faces and Persons classes; with a face and person objects - to Faces.Model and Persons.Model, etc.

Each collection class inherits from UserStore.