Manually Purge Old Data from Database

To manually remove old data from the FindFace database, use the cleanup utility. You can separately remove the following data:

  • matched events,

  • unmatched events,

  • full frames of matched events,

  • full frames of unmatched events,

  • audit-logs.

To invoke the cleanup help message, execute:

sudo findface-security cleanup --help

To entirely remove events older than a given number of days, use the --face-events-max-matched-age/--face-events-max-unmatched-age options. For example, to remove unmatched events older than 5 days, execute:

sudo findface-security cleanup --face-events-max-unmatched-age 5

To remove only matched events older than 5 days, execute:

sudo findface-security cleanup --face-events-max-matched-age 5

The following commands remove only full frames of matched/unmatched events:

sudo findface-security cleanup --face-events-max-fullframe-matched-age 5
sudo findface-security cleanup --face-events-max-fullframe-unmatched-age 5

To remove only audit logs, execute:

sudo findface-security cleanup --audit-logs-max-age 5