Config Settings
You can fine-tune the FindFace Lite making changes in the configuration file located in the FFlite -> api_config.yml.
Configuration file includes blocks with information about:
app — API configuration;
eapi — eapi address;
eapi_license_plate – license plate eapi address;
vm — vm address and credentials;
db — db address and credentials.
How to work with config settings
Open the file located in the FFlite -> api_config.yml using any text editor (nano, vim, etc.) and make changes in necessary settings.
In sections below you will find the full information about each block and possible settings values.
Please, read the description of the settings below to be sure in the result.
Apply new settings by restarting the api service
with the following command:
docker compose restart api
App configuration
Settings possible values
Settings |
Possible values |
host | – default value. |
port |
8000 – default value. |
debug |
false (default) – debug mode is disabled; |
true – debug mode is enabled. |
router_base_url |
http://nginx – default value. |
media_root |
/uploads – default value. |
fullframe_root |
/fullframe – default value. |
normalized_root |
/normalized – default value. |
save_fullframe |
false – fullframe images will not be saved on the disk. |
true (default) — fullframe images will be saved on the disk. |
save_normalized |
false (default) – normalized images will not be saved on the disk. |
true — normalized images will be saved on the disk. |
secret_key |
change_me – default value. |
max_event_age_days |
20 – default value. |
face_confidence_threshold |
0.714 – default value. |
car_confidence_threshold |
0.65 – default value. |
webhook_workers_num |
10 – default value. |
exit_on_availability_check_fail |
false – API service will retry to reach necessary resources until success with exponential timeouts; |
true (default) – API service will exit if any of necessary resources are not available. |
event_creation_token |
change_me – default value. |
event_creation_response_type |
serialized (default) – the response will contain full information about a created Event, including matched Card, path to the fullframe image, etc. |
id – the response will contain only ID of a created Event. |
serialized_verbose – the response will contain full information about a created Event (including a matched Card, path to the fullframe image etc) and full information about the Card. |
face_features |
headpose – position of a head; |
medmask – detection of a medmask; |
liveness – liveness detection. |
car_features |
orientation – recognition a car position while recognition. |
special_types – recognition of a car type. |
license_plate_visibility – recognition of license plate. |
liveness_source |
eapi – liveness detection from image. This value is required to be set if you want to create Events via POST /{object_type}/add |
vw – liveness detection from videostream. |
auth_enabled |
false – authorization is disabled; |
true (default) – authorization is enabled. |
access_token_expire_minutes |
43200 – default value. |
dedup_enabled |
false – deduplication of Events is disabled; |
true (default) – deduplication of Event is enabled. |
save_dedup_events |
false (default) – Events duplicates will be saved. |
true – Events duplicates will not be saved. |
face_dedup_interval |
5 – default value. |
face_dedup_confidence |
0.9 – default value. |
car_dedup_interval |
5 – default value. |
car_dedup_confidence |
0.9 – default value. |
Settings description
Settings |
Description |
host |
Host information |
port |
Port information |
debug |
Debug mode. Currently manage only debug logs. |
router_base_url |
Router base URL for VM. Please, change only if you are sure. |
media_root |
Root directory for media files, which stores the Objects images. |
fullframe_root |
Root directory for fullframe files, which stores frame images from VideoWorker (vw). |
normalized_root |
Root directory for normalized files, which stores files used for migrations between models in database. |
save_fullframe |
Saving settings of fullframe images. |
save_normalized |
Saving settings of normalized images. |
secret_key |
A secret key, needed for security operations. |
max_event_age_days |
Maximum time, which Event is stored. After the expiration of the set time period, the Event is deleted. |
face_confidence_threshold |
Value of confidence threshold, according to which an Event matches or not with a Card during the face matching. If matching score is more than set value, Event is matched with a Card. |
car_confidence_threshold |
Value of confidence threshold, according to which an Event matches or not with a Card during the car matching. If matching score is more than set value, Event is matched with a Card. |
webhook_workers_num |
Number of concurrent webhook workers sending requests to webhook targets. |
exit_on_availability_check_fail |
Behaviour of API service in case of unavailability of necessary resources. |
event_creation_token |
A token using for external detector authentication for Event creation (/{object_type}/add). JWT token doesn’t apply in this request. |
event_creation_response_type |
Response verbosity of Event creation (/{object_type}/add) request. |
face_features |
Features of FindFace Lite for face recognition. A feature is activated if it is listed in the value. After feature activation freshly created events will be populated with corresponding feature. |
car_features |
Features of FindFace Lite for car recognition. A feature is activated if it is listed in the value. After feature activation freshly created events will be populated with corresponding feature. |
liveness_source |
Source of liveness detection. |
auth_enabled |
Authorization managing. Note, that all API calls (with some exceptions) will require Authorization header with JWT <token>. |
access_token_expire_minutes |
Time of access token expiration interval. |
dedup_enabled |
Events deduplication managing. |
save_dedup_event |
Events duplicates saving settings. |
face_dedup_interval |
A time interval in seconds during which Events with the same person will be considered as duplicates. |
face_dedup_confidence |
Confidence of matching between 2 Events to be considered duplicates. |
car_dedup_interval |
Time interval in seconds during which Events with the same car will be considered as duplicates. |
car_dedup_confidence |
Confidence of matching between 2 Events to be considered duplicates. |
EAPI configuration
Settings |
Possible values |
Description |
host |
eapi – default value. |
Host information |
port |
18666 – default value. |
Port information |
License plate EAPI configuration
Settings |
Possible values |
Description |
host |
eapi-license-plate – default value. |
Host information |
port |
18667 – default value. |
Port information |
VM configuration
Settings |
Possible values |
Description |
host |
vm – default value. |
Host information |
port |
18810 – default value. |
Port information |
token |
GOOD_TOKEN – default value. |
Token for processes connected with vm. Should be the same as token in vm.conf file. |
DB configuration
Settings |
Possible values |
Description |
host |
postgres – default value. |
Host information |
port |
5432 – default value. |
Port information |
user |
fflite – default value. |
Credentials to access database with the name from database setting. |
password |
fflite – default value. |
database |
fflite – default value. |
Database name. |