STEP 4. FindFace Lite installer and the license uploading to the server

In this step we ask you to put the FindFace Lite installer and the product license on the machine, which you are going to use to work with FindFace Lite. It can be either virtual and physical server or PC meeting the requirements.

To upload the installer and the license from the local machine to the virtual one use one of the options: scp command or an SFTP file client.


Is is important to put FindFace Lite installer and the license in the same directory.

Use scp command

Scp allows you to securely copy files between two locations using SSH for encryption.


For using :code: scp command you need to have a few things in place:

  • SSH installed on both the source and the target machines.

  • Root access to both source and target machines.

Scp syntax may be different, it depends on the authentication you use for SSH connection to target machine.

Below you will find descriptions on how:

General scp syntax

scp [[user@]src_host:]file1 [[user@]dest_host:]file2


  • scp initializes the command and ensures a secure shell is in place.

  • src_host is a source place, where the file is hosted.

  • dest_host is a target place, where the file will be copied to.

Scp syntax for login and password SSH authentication

The format of scp command for uploading from the local machine to the server is the following:

scp location/file_name.ext username@destination_host:/location


  • scp initializes the command and ensures a secure shell is in place.

  • location/file_name.ext is the path to the file, which you want to copy, and its full name.

  • username@destination_host are credentias for connection: username is for a username, destination_host is for a server IP address.

  • /location is the path where to put the file copy.

Command example:

scp NtechLab_license_512b25bdcd334b44b87ccf5f089215b9.lic azureuser@

After you run the command, you will be asked for a password. Enter it, but note that it won’t be displayed.

Command result:

azureuser@’s password:

NtechLab_license_512b25bdcd334b44b87ccf5f089215b9.lic …………………..100% 3672KB 126.6KB/s 00:29

Scp syntax for secret and public SSH keys authentication

The format of scp command for uploading from the local machine to the server is the following:

scp -i ~/.ssh/private_key_name location/file_name.ext username@destination_host:/location


  • scp initializes the command and ensures a secure shell is in place.

  • ~/.ssh/private_key_name is the path to the private key in ssh folder. This part of the command is responsible for the authentication to the server.

  • location/file_name.ext is the path to the file, which you want to copy, and its full name.

  • username@destination_host are credentias for connection: username is for a username, destination_host is for a server IP address.

  • /location is the path where to put the file copy.

Command example:

scp -i ~/.ssh/private NtechLab_license_512b25bdcd334b44b87ccf5f089215b9.lic azureuser@

Command result:


NtechLab_license_512b25bdcd334b44b87ccf5f089215b9.lic ………………….100% 3672KB 126.6KB/s 00:29

Use an SFTP file manager

  1. Install one of the file managers. For example, FileZilla Client , which is suitable for Windows, Linux and MacOS platforms.

  2. Connect to the server with a username and a server IP address.

  3. Move the file you need to the server using GUI.